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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
May 10, 2019
The Morning Report - 5/10/19
Good morning kids. The weekend's here so here we go. First up, in the wake of Richard Burr's insane subpoena of Donald Trump Jr., Cocaine Mitch has put the hammer down in declaring that the investigation is over. It should be noted that every other Republican on that committee strongly opposed the subpoena. That said, McConnell should remove Burr from the chairmanship of this committee and relegate him to backbencher status. Unfortunately, I don't think he'll go that far given his, McConnell's pedigree as a swamp denizen and that may be a bridge too far. But at least he's on the right side of this as well as the crucially important shifting of the Judicial Branch to a less liberal majority if not more originalists/strict constructionists, but more on that later.
Despite the Burr in the backside of this less-than-cunning stunt, the Dems are continuing to flail about like replicant Pris with the blaster hole in her abdomen, threatening more contempt citations, impeachment and whatever other fraudulent abuses of their power they can fling at the President, AG Barr and anyone else they can think of. That said, it's all bluster, really and politically destructive to them. They know it, Barr and the President know it, and we know it. No matter; Nancy Palsi is still threatening more contempt charges, has proclaimed the Legislative Brance superior to the other two despite that co-equal thing, and Nadless Nadler's contempt charge might actually sabotage their desire to get Mueller before a committee.
Their continued demands to see the full unredacted Mueller Report are not cutting any ice considering an over 90% unredacted report has been available for members of Congress to inspect behind closed doors as well as the permission to take notes, and yet no Democrat at any level has taken advantage of the offer. Now, Obama-appointed hack-in-black Amy Berman Jackson, the judge who Roland Freisler-ed Paul Manafort is demanding a full unredacted report so she can do to Roger Stone what she did to Manafort. Plus, she can give it to her allies in the Party and press to smear and slime innocent people.
But while they play their games, the investigation and (hopefully) punishment of those involved in the coup to get rid of candidate, then President Trump moves ahead. Already, some of the conspirators are attempting to get in front of the cameras before AG Barr can haul them into an interrogation room. James Comey was on the tube claiming that the FBI inserting spies into political campaigns was just standard operating procedure, and Alexander Downer, the Australian diplomat and spy that was engaged by Brennan and Clapper to infiltrate the Trump campaign to defend his role in entrapping George Papadopoulos. The walls are closing in. Lastly, questions about what Russian diplomat Sergey Kislyak was really up to and did Mueller actually use Steele and Fusion GPS in this two-year witch hunt? Magic 8 Ball sez more than likely. Disgusting, all of it.
At the border, CBP is nabbing illegal aliens attempting to invade the country by the tens of thousands with no end in sight. It's outpacing that of even the era of Obama by a factor of 9. Meanwhile, Gold Star Mothers are joining with GOPers in the House to push for increased border security. Good luck with that with Palsi clutching that gavel.
Dem Scandal Sheet and Jew-Hatred: Evidently there has been a subpoena fight over Operation Fast and Furious files between the DoJ and the House that goes back to those halcyon days of 2012. Holder's fish-faced chinless head should swing for that. As reported by Ace yesterday, more on Trump calling for Kerry to face the music in the form of the Logan Act for conspiring with Iran, and the billionaire pedophile friend of the Clinton's Jeffrey Epstein is illegally building a compound in the Virgin Islands. I guess that's because they have virgins there. Meanwhile, Rancida Tliban is feuding with fellow Dems trying to muzzle her Muslim maligning of Jooz, fellow Mein Kampf devotee Valerie Plame is seeking an open House seat in New Mexico, Calypso Louis blasts Facebook for banning his tirades and David Harsanyi rips soy-boy Seth Meyers a new one for defending the Bro-Fo.
Politics: Trump now one of the few presidents whose approval is higher at this point in his term than at the inauguration, Mayor Buttplug booster goes one better than "deplorable." Daniel Greenfield on the shit-hole that is South Bend, Blotto is fading out, author Marianne Wilson actually makes the debate stage ahead of nine other Dem klown kar occupants, Anita Hill is an albatross around Joey Bidet's neck, Fauxca-Has-Been recycles the "you-didn't-build-that" libel and throws in $129 trillion in big government socialism, Chiquita Khruschev wants the banks to go postal (let the Clintons run that post office too, eh?), note to Kevin "Charile McCarthy - look up Lois Lerner, Eric Swallowswell is not just a tyrant but he's an incredibly boring one, and Bro-Fo Omar's attack on Trump draws a swift response and slap down.
First Amendment and Fake News Fakery: Even Facebook's founder calls for its breakup. No wonder as they promote ISIS hate and propaganda while muzzling conservatives. Free speech group tells Amazon to ditch the discredited SPLC, two on the growing threat of social media and big tech and finally, Schiff-for-Brains wants to overturn Citizens United. Well, Schiffy, you Dems are always crowing about SCOTUS decrees as the last word so suck on that, m'kay?
Guns: Washington State tightens the screws while the anti-gun group that tried hijacking the Colorado shooting memorial gets raked over the coals.
Abortion: Production companies to boycott Georgia for protecting unborn babies from infanticide and a Bush-appointed hack-in-black creates a right out of whole cloth for baby-killing.
Foreign Desk: Trade/tariff dispute with the Chi-Coms heats up even as the talks continue. Meh, this is a long time coming. Kudos to PDT for finally attempting to put an end to them hanging us with the rope we sell them for cheap. Meanwhile, US is leading Pacific nations in naval maneuvers through the disputed South China Sea, Iran is on the brink, power cut to the DC Venezuela embassy to put some hurt on commie occupiers, Venezuela's Juan Roberts slams VP Pence, and bad times for Brit pols in the wake of the Brexit fiasco.
DEE-Fense: Spike in suicides at the DoD. What's that about?
We-All-Slam-For-I-Slam: Brit universities warn Jewish students not to celebrate Israeli Independence Day, and Jeremy Corbyn's Palestinian org peddles vicious Joo-hate propaganda. Shocking.
Domestic News: As mentioned up top, Trump is about to flip the NY Appeals Court conservative, making Cuck Schemer and his fat blonde Renfield go ape, and a look at California cronyism.
The Economy: Spengler bemoans our ceding the high ground in tech leadership to the Chi-Coms.
Church Sex Abuse: Francis the Talking Pope issues edict in how the church will deal with and report on the scandal going forward. What's Latin for "nothing to see here, move along?"
Healthcare: Kentucky anti-vax kid who demanded to be let into school now has chicken pox, thanks to Trump, Minnesota home health workers can say "LOL GFY" to demands for union dues, a look at Jersey City's life-saving volunteerism, and banning homo conversion therapy is bad for good health.
Education: Three links where the titles say it all.
Feminazism and Transgender Psychosis: The BBC's new show is not a Monty Python sketch, sex advice for dames, and Wyoming State Senator Lynn Hutchings, who happens to be black, female and Republican, is standing up to the homosexual brown shirts.
Hither and Yon: We need more Joe Fraziers, new Reagan biography hits the book stores ready to be buried in the back row, and Christian Toto on Hollywood's diffidence towards Christianity.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
- Cocaine Mitch Reiterates Edict: "Case Closed" on Russia, Does Not Defend Burr's Rogue Subpoena
- Charging Barr With Contempt Could Hurt Chances of Mueller Testifying
- Contemptible Nadler
- He's Clearly Not Losing Any Sleep Over This: AG Barr Jokes About Dem Contempt Threats
- Nancy Palsi Says There May Be Additional Contempt Citations
- Obama Hack-in-Black Amy Berman Jackson Demands Unredacted Mueller Report in Roger Stone Case (this is the slag that persecuted Manafort - jjs)
- Was Sergey Kislyak Part of the Russian Collusion Hoax?
- Alexander Downer Defends FBI Tipoff That Sparked Trump-Russia Probe
- Did Robert Mueller Tap Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele To Assist His Anti-Trump Investigation?
- Illegal Immigration at 9 Times the Rate of 2017, Projected to Outpace Obama
- For Second Month, More Than 100,000 Apprehended Illegally Crossing the Border
- Gold Star Mothers Join House Republicans in Border Security Push
- Operation Fast and Furious Subpoena Fight Settled Between DoJ, House
- Trump: Kerry "Should Be Prosecuted" Under the Logan Act for Colluding with Iran
- Billionaire Pedophile and Clinton Best Friend Jeffrey Epstein Illegally Building Virgin Islands Compound (ironic location, that - jjs)
- Rancida Tliban, Fellow Dems Spar Over Meeting About Anti-Semitism
- Anti-Semite Ex-CIA Operative Valerie Plame Running for Open New Mexico Congressional Seat
- Harsanyi: Everything Seth Meyers Said About Bro-Fo Omar Is Wrong
- Louis Farrakkkhan Rails Against "Satanic Jews" in Wake of Facebook Ban
- Immoralists: The Example of Brian Sims
- Trump One of Few Presidents More Popular Than at Inauguration
- Mayor Buttplug Fundraiser: Every Trump Voter "Is a Low Life Piece of Shit"
- Greenfield: A Dozen People Were Shot in Mayor Buttplug's City While He Ran For Office
- Blotto O'Rourke Approaching "Statistically Insignificant" Territory in New Hampshire Poll
- Author Marianne Williamson Qualifies For Presidential Debate Before 9 Politicians
- Why Anita Hill's Grudge Against Joe Bidet Could Be His Achilles' Heel
- Fauxca-Has-Been Has Proposed or Backed Plans Totaling Estimated $129 Trillion in Government Spending
- Fauxca-Has-Been: "Nobody in America Succeeds on Their Own" (but they sure do fail that way, right? - jjs)
- What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Chiquita Khruschev AOC Wants a Government Bank Operated by the Post Office
- Kevin "Charlie" McCarthy: "The Democrats Now Want to Weaponize the IRS" (now?! - jjs)
- No One Likes You, Eric Swallowswell
- Bro-Fo Omar Attacks Trump Over Joke At Rally; Trump Campaign Trolls Her
- Study: Facebook's Algorithms Are Promoting ISIS Propaganda and Terrorist Content
- Facebook Co-Founder: "It's Time to Break Up Facebook"
- Free Speech Coalition to Amazon: Stop Using Discredited SPLC "Hate Map" Against Charitable Conservative Orgs
- How Silicon Valley Disrupts Local Politics
- Trump Tries To Stop Corruption, Media Calls Him Racist
- Schiff-For-Brains Introduces Constitutional Amendment to End Citizens United Ruling (settled law, putz, so get over it - jjs)
- The Next Battlefront: Social Media
- Lord: Mark Levin's Unfreedom of the Press, Right on Target
- Washington State Toughens Gun Laws, Bans "Ghost Guns"
- Anti-Gun Group Faces Backlash For Politicizing Vigil For School Shooting
- 3 Production Companies Pledge Boycott of Georgia over "Heartbeat" Abortion Law
- Bush Judge Creates Fake Right for Non-Doctors to Perform Abortions
- China Tariffs Rise to 25% Even While Trade Talks Persist
- US, Japan, India, and Philippines Challenge Beijing With Naval Drills in the South China Sea
- The Trump Administration May Not Be Able to Keep a Lid on Iran if Tensions Boil Over
- Ledeen: The Mullah Panic
- Venezuela Supreme Court Chief Slams Pence's "Despicable" Warning
- Trump Admin Cuts Off Power to Commie Squatters at DC Venezuelan Embassy
- It's a Bad Time to Be Britain's Establishment
- Why Have Department of Defense Suicides Spiked? (if only it was the IRS and EPA - jjs)
- Major British University Warns Jewish Students Not To Celebrate Israel Independence Day
- Corbyn-Backed Palestinian Solidarity Campaign Caught Peddling Gross Anti-Semitic Images and Propaganda
- Trump on Verge of Flipping New York Appeals Court To Conservative Control
- Cocaine Mitch Slams Cuck Schemer for Opposing Judicial Nominee He Praised in 2005
- The Golden State Insiders' Club
- Spengler: Huawei 5G and the Implosion of America's Technological Predominance
- Pope Francis Issues Church Law Governing Sex Abuse Reporting And Investigation
- Unvaccinated Kentucky Student Who Challenged Being Barred From School Contracts Chickenpox
- After Trump Rule Change, Minnesota Home Care Workers Can Decide for Themselves Whether to Pay Union Dues
- Life-Saving Volunteerism
- Conversion Therapy Bans Make Good Healthcare Illegal
- Higher Education Needs An Exorcism
- Paper: Professor Bias May Deflate Conservative College Students' Grades
- Get Out: Why It's Time For Jews to Stop Paying for American Universities
- BBC Promotes "Drag Syndrome": Drag Queens With Down Syndrome
- Ladies, Stop Trying to Have Sex Like Men
- Senator Braveheart (we need more like Lynn Hutchings - jjs)
- Not Enough Fraziers (Joes, not Cranes - jjs)
- The American President: New Biography Gets Into the Heart and Mind of Ronald Reagan
- Toto: Why Are Studios Still Scared of Christianity?