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April 29, 2019
New York Times Apologizes for Running Anti-Semitic Cartoon; Promptly Replaces It With a Similar Anti-Semitic Cartoon
So #woke they run Nazi-like caricatures.
The #Woke Calculus divides people into two binary categories: Oppressors, whose every word and deed is racist, somehow, and Victims, who cannot be racist, ever, even when they're professional racists.
The SJWs believe Jews are Oppressors and the Holocaust and centuries of antisemetic discrimination just did not happen. They couldn't have happened -- if they happened, Jews would be Victims, and Jews cannot be Victims.
Because there are groups who hate Jews who are Victims and routinely peddle racist tropes and claims about Jews, and the rules of Social Justice Warrioring say that Victims cannot ever be racist, and Oppressors must always be racist.
To keep Islamists and other Democrat client groups in the category of people permitted to be racist as hell, it is necessary to claim that Jews are just White People with odd hats.
This is of course why Hillary and Obama refused to say Christians were targeted by Muslims on Easter -- to say that is to acknowledge that Christians can be, and often are, Vicitms, and that Islamists often are Oppressors. And that would completely invalidate the system of racial (and racist) double-standards modern "progressivism" -- really, Nazi-like racism -- they've constructed.
You can tell the New York Times was totally sincere in apologizing for the first Jew-baiting cartoon because they ran a similar one within 48 hours.
It's a calculated insult -- it's designed to let you know their apology was obligatory, but Jews are still Oppressors and will continue getting the Oppressor treatment.

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:45 PM
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