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April 23, 2019
Trump Orders Crackdown on Visa Overstays
Can't wait to hear the Democrats' objection to this.
When you talk about the wall, they say "But more people are here illegally due to visa overstays!"
Implying that they really want to crack own on visa overstays.
Spoiler alert: they don't, and they'll begin complaining about this in about five minutes.
President Trump on Monday directed his administration to find ways to limit the number of foreigners who overstay short-term visas amid a broad push to curb immigration.
In a presidential memorandum, Trump ordered the State Department to work with governments of countries with total overstay rates of more than 10 percent in order to reduce the number.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, in consultation with the Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security (DHS), is required to submit a report within three months that recommends policies that would slash the number of people who stay in the U.S. after their visas expire. DHS is expected to hand in its own recommendations a month after that.
One possible manner of achieving this? Getting foreign countries to help out with their own visa overstaying citizens, or else visas to that country will be slashed.
The Trump administration is considering suspending or limiting entry to the U.S. for individuals from countries with high rates of short-term visa overstays — a proposal vaguely reminiscent of the controversial travel bans President Donald Trump pursued during his first year in office.
Right, because it's racist to discriminate against... countries whose racial make-up is unknown but which are known, through records-keeping, to have a high number of overstays.
Everything leftists don't like is racist.
And it says the administration is considering developing "admission bonds" -- people entering the country would pay a fee that would be reimbursed when they leave -- in an effort to improve compliance.
I don't expect that to go anywhere -- people who want to merely visit will be put off by having to put up a big amount of money just to come here, and people planning to illegally immigrate here will forfeit most sums for the opportunity.
We can't make the amount of the bond big enough to discourage illegal migrants while keeping it reasonable enough to allow in tourists to Miami.

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:53 PM
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