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April 23, 2019
A US Soldier Who Risked His Live in Mogadishu to Protect Ilhan Omar and Her Clan Invites Her to Drink a Nice Cold Glass of Shut the Fuck Up Dummy
I take it back: she doesn't have a dual loyalty.
Just the one.
By the time Task Force Ranger had been launched, Aidid's network of drug-addled, Khat-dealing gun runners had taken over Mogadishu and were doing everything they could to oppress any and rival clans, including that of Omar, the Majeerteen. In other words, we were sent halfway across the world to help protect people just like Omar and her family. Nineteen incredible men gave their lives defending her country while serving ours. They deserve to be lauded for their service, not attacked for it.
I am thankful Omar and her family and countless others were able to escape to neighboring Kenya while we fought to protect those left behind, but I simply cannot comprehend her attitude towards those of us who fought to protect her country and countrymen from warlords who plunged Somalia only further into violence and starvation. I am glad that Omar can now enjoy the very freedoms we fought to protect, like the freedom of speech and the free exercise of religion affirmed in the U.S. Constitution, but I don't understand why she uses those freedoms to slur the men and women of the U.S. military who made her security and liberty a reality.
The simple truth is that Omar enjoys the fruits of American combat deaths, yet she can't even bring herself to acknowledge the ultimate sacrifice that was made on her behalf, either as a Somali or an American. Her clan didn't stand a chance against Aidid and Habar Gidirs, so I don't blame her for leaving. But I do blame her for attacking those of us who had zero personal interest or investment in her nation for doing our jobs on behalf of our country. And I blame her for smearing American servicemen because we answered the call of our nation to address the violent barbarism of hers.
Also see Deb Heine.

posted by Ace of Spades at
11:53 AM
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