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April 22, 2019
Why Are Leftwing Politicians Avoiding Saying "Christians" Were Murdered in the Sri Lanka Easter Attacks?
Obama, Hillary, and most of the gang of clowns running for the Democrat nomination have settled on a strange locution to avoid admitting that sometimes Christians are victims (and not just (Oppressors, as The Narrative demands): they're calling the people targeted "Easter worshippers."
Note: Christians do not worship Easter. You can use Context Clues in the word "Christians" to figure out what they worship.
Deb Heine writes about this strange phenomenon.
And of course the media is definitely not interested in describing the suspected perpetrators of this slaughter:
Expect the media and Democrats (but I repeat myself) to identify the religion of the terrorists as "Easter skepticism."
The Washington Post is playing the typical media game: downplay the Islamist violence directed at Christians and Westerners while remaining singularly concerned about possible future "backlash" against Muslims:
The pace of this game has accelerated. It used to be that the media would spend a day or two at least noticing that Islamists had murdered a bunch of people again before claiming The Real Crime is any possible hypothetical speculative future side-eye a woman in a hijab might get at Wal-Mart.
Now, they start claiming that Muslims Are the Real Victims here while they're still gathering up the limbs sheered off of the victims.
Below, some Fake Victims We Shouldn't Bother Ourselves About Because They're Just Alt-Right Haters.

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:04 PM
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