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April 19, 2019
Deranged: McClatchy Comes Up With New Fake News to Rescue Its Old Fake News
Months ago, McClatchy, citing anonymous sources (of course), claimed that Michael Cohen actually was in Prague -- they claimed that his cell phone hand pinged a tower in Prague.
Now, the Mueller report says (again) that Michael Cohen was never in Prague. Never. Nev-er.
Neh-heh, veh-her.
But don't worry: McClatchy has an answer to that.
Sure, they now say, maybe Michael Cohen was not in Prague -- but what about his treasonous phone itself?
From McClatchy:
"The Mueller report states Mr. Cohen was not in Prague. It makes no statement on whether the investigation ever had evidence that Mr. Cohen's phone pinged in or near Prague, as McClatchy reported," said Kristin Roberts, McClatchy's East Region Editor.
McClatchy's Dec. 2018 reporting was based on information from five individuals with foreign intelligence connections, who all requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the information shared and concerns about sources and methods. Each obtained their information independently from each other. McClatchy stands by the reporting.
You idiots need to stop printing up every bit of bullshit one of Fusion GPS' paid sources/shills sticks in front of you.

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:17 PM
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