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April 17, 2019
Maryland Men Beat Up a Legal Immigrant for... Wearing a MAGA Hat
John Sexton:
Since we're currently right in the middle of grave concern on the left about incitement and the threats to life and limb created by partisan rhetoric, you can be sure this story will launch 100 think pieces and wall-to-wall coverage. Or maybe just a brief, anodyne story at the Washington Post...
Sexton contrasts the "bloodless and disinterested" account from the Washington Post with a report from a local source which includes, get this, details about the sudden, random violence that make it almost seem like a crime to attack a stranger on the street.
Again, one of the biggest stories for the past week has been claims by nearly every leading Democrat and candidate for president that Rep. Ilhan Omar's life is being put in danger because of political rhetoric. How in the world is this act of political thuggery not viewed as something that connects to that larger narrative? The answer is obvious and it gives away the whole game. Democrats (and the media) don't really care about incitement or political violence unless the victim is on their side.
Correct, of course.

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:42 PM
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