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April 16, 2019
Pew Releases Poll on Who Feels Most Discriminated Against
From the PJ Media Morning Briefing (several items down):
A new survey from Pew reveals public opinion about discrimination levels against minority groups. The Pew headline reads: "Sharp Rise in the Share of Americans Saying Jews Face Discrimination."
CNN ran the Pew story but had a little different interest. Here's their headline: "More Americans think Muslims face discrimination than any other group; Jews see sharp rise."
The survey shows that the number of people who say Jews face discrimination has markedly increased from 2016 to 2019, moving from 44% to 64%. The number of people who say Muslims face discrimination has stayed the same around 82%, so why lead with that? With tracking surveys, the most important element is change over time.
Another group facing a jump in the number of people saying they face discrimination? Men. In 2016 there wasn't enough data to even register on a graph but in 2019 that number skyrocketed to 50%. How about that?
To CNN, that's just progress.
Although, I notice from CNN's mostly (biologically) male nighttime line-up, leftwing males are, as usual, to be excluded from the discrimination they urge for all other males.

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:59 PM
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