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April 12, 2019
Chicago Sues Jussie Smollett for Costs of Investigating His Hate Crime
And it was a hate crime -- it was intended to incite hate against white people and Trump supporters.
But those lives don't matter, so we don't talk about that. We can only talk about the indirect, unintentional victims of Jussie Smollett's false flag hate crime -- hate crime victims who won't be believed in the future -- and not the directed intended victims of it.
I've mentioned that Chicago would seek compensation before, but now they've actually filed the lawsuit.
Smollett has consistently denied that he faked the attack. But the City of Chicago and its police department maintain that he did and in the complaint, the city is asking for a jury trial "to recover civil penalties, statutory treble damages, and attorney's fees and costs arising from the Defendant's false statements to the City."
The complaint outlines the allegations against Smollett in detail, citing text messages, GPS records and statements made to police by his alleged accomplices. The complaint says Smollett "knowingly made numerous false statements of material fact" and is asking for a civil penalty of $1000 for each of those statements.
In addition, the complaint states that the Chicago Police Department incurred $130, 106.15 in overtime pay and the complaint is asking for triple that amount in damages plus "litigation and collection costs, and attorneys' fees."

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:24 PM
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