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April 10, 2019
Netanyahu Wins Fifth Term as Israel's Prime Minister
The right-wing bloc even expanded its majority a little.
* Rightist parties backing PM seen expanding majority
* Netanyahu facing possible corruption indictment
* Election seen as referendum on four-term reign (Recasts for official tally, market opening)
By Jeffrey Heller and Maayan Lubell
JERUSALEM, April 10 (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu secured a clear path to reelection on Wednesday, with religious-rightist parties set to hand him a parliamentary majority despite a close contest against his main centrist challenger, a vote tally showed.
With more than 97 percent of votes counted, Netanyahu's conservative Likud party looked likely to muster enough support to control 65 of the Knesset's 120 seats and be named to head the next coalition government - a record fifth term as premier.

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:06 PM
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