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April 08, 2019
The Morning Rant

"So during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings that the national media helped the Democrats turn into a complete farce (Kavanaugh was asked not not one question about his judicial decisions or philosophy by any Democrat), an unpaid intern in Sheila Jackson Lee's office doxed some GOP senators, they busted him, and he'll soon be a doing two to five stretch in a federal PMITA prison. Which is great. The dirtbag is getting what he deserved. But here's the thing: ordinary, normal Americans get doxed and swatted by left-wing goons all the time, and not much ever seems to happen, even when the goons are known. Here, the perp made the mistake of going after powerful, influential public officials and the full weight of the law comes crashing down full force on his head. I just wish we had a government that would work to punish those who try to hurt me as hard as it does protecting the privacy rights of powerful officials."
More Women Are Coming Forward With Their Tales of Creepy Joe:
Yes, It's Because We Drive Around In Monster Trucks All Day And Fart A Lot:
News You Can Use - Men And Women Are Different:
Do NOT Watch This Video If Spiders Creep You Out:
Hippie Chick From La Belle Époque:
(Click for bigger chick)
Who dis --> French Dancer Cléopatra Diane de Mérode, photo taken 1895 <-- More info here.
For the 'Ettes:
(Click for bigger gator)
Bonus Who Dis:

Name all 3. Hint: The guy in the middle is not Kato Kaolin.
Friday's celebs: Audrey Hepburn in a very atypical photo and long-time conservative Ricardo Montalban.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Black Onyx Steak:

(h/t, as usual, to
Food Porn on Twitter)

posted by OregonMuse at
11:15 AM
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