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April 05, 2019
Michael Cohen Pleads to Democrats: Please Keep Me Out of Jail So I Will Be Ready To Aid You In Your Impeachment Efforts, Tanned, Rested, and Ready!
Byron York reporting.
Terrible, terrible lawyer Lanny Davis has a new pitch to keep Cohen out of jail: Cohen needs to be kept out of prison in order to go through the documents on the hard drive recently returned to him from law enforcement -- a hard drive law enforcement has already seen -- to try to find new dirt on Trump.
Davis told Democrats that "only recently" was Cohen "able to access" a computer hard drive which Davis said contains over 14 million files of "important documents." Davis did not explain how it was that Cohen only recently was able to access the drive, but it might have something to do with the drive being seized by law enforcement and used for prosecuting Cohen. Now that the prosecution is over, Cohen is, according to Davis, going through the files himself -- he has only been able to read 3,500 so far -- and he wants Congress to know what prosecutors have known for a long time. But he needs help.
"Mr. Cohen needs time, resources, and assistance to separate out privileged and personal documents from these 14 million files to make the rest available for review by various congressional committees that have sought his help in fulfilling their Article I oversight responsibilities," Davis wrote. "Mr. Cohen is prepared to do so -- but it will take time, effort, and ready accessibility to members of Congress and their staffs to assist in providing the relevant documents."
And how could Cohen do that in jail? Better to let him remain free, phone in hand, ready to talk to Congress at a moment's notice -- not for himself, but for Article I of the Constitution of the United States.
Davis drove the point home repeatedly: "Mr. Cohen needs to be readily accessible and immediately available to provide ongoing assistance to Congress in order for it to fulfill its executive branch oversight responsibilities," he wrote. The Cohen team hopes Democrats will help those prosecutors in New York "recognize the need for Mr. Cohen to be readily available to Congress."
Funny thing about prison: One good thing about it is that you have plenty of time to read and go over documents. In fact, many prisoners do little but pore over documents related to their imprisonment.

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:16 PM
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