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April 05, 2019
City of Chicago to Sue Jussie Smollett Civilly For the Money They Wasted Investigating the Hate Crime He Perpetrated
If you're not gonna jail him, bleed him.
By the way, while we say this was a hoax hate crime, it was actually a real hate crime -- he attempted to gin up hate towards a discrete, easily-identifiable subpopulation. His hoax, had it not been discovered, could have resulted in violence towards random citizens.
All to chisel a little more money out of Fox.
"Mr. Smollett has refused to reimburse the City of Chicago for the cost of police overtime spent investigating his false police report on January 29, 2019," Bill McCaffrey, City of Chicago Department of Law, said in a statement. "The Law Department is now drafting a civil complaint that will be filed in the Circuit Court of Cook County. Once it is filed, the Law Department will send a courtesy copy of the complaint to Mr. Smollett’s Los Angeles-based legal team."
"The Law Department will file the suit in the near future. As part of this legal action, the Law Department will pursue the full measure of damages allowed under the ordinance," the statement continued. "The City of Chicago and Chicago Law Department will not have any further comment at this time."
Also, the Chicago police union has voted to demand the resignation of corrupt Social Justice prosecutor Kim Foxx.
The city's Fraternal Order of Police and the suburban police chiefs associations announced a "no confidence" vote against Foxx during a joint news conference Thursday afternoon.
"We are grateful for the top police officials here with one united voice to demand the resignation of Cook County State’s Attorney Kimberly Foxx,” said Kevin Graham, president of the Fraternal Order of Police.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:14 PM
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