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April 05, 2019
The Morning Rant

"You know how every time the human centipede that is the national media gets criticized for being biased jackasses, they start hollerin' about how they're protected by the first amendment and how dare you say anything against them? Well, no. As far as I'm concerned, they've become just another player in the blood sport of politics, and guess what, they're playing for the other team. They've cast their lot, they've made their decision, they've gone all in with #theResistance. Some of them even admit it. Then they get hissy when Trump calls them 'the enemy of the people'. Do a search on 'journalism in the Trump era' and you'll see what I mean. But then after openly and brazenly taking sides, they seem completely mystified why they're now hated by half of America. I'll never forget the Mitt Romney press conference where he asked a pretentious, monologuing J-school 'tard who he was and why was he making a speech, and the sanctimonious blowhard said 'I represent the people', like he was part of some fourth branch of government. And then Mitt, bless his heart, immediately fired back, 'No, *I* represent the people. *You* represent corporate media interests.' Which is exactly right. George Washington called the press of his day 'infernal scribblers.' Nothing much has changed."

Math, How Does It Work?
Economics, How Does It Work?
Now This Is Just Mean:
Conspiracy Theory:
Who Dis:
For the 'Ettes:
Wednesday's celebs: Vivien Leigh and Noah Mills. I first saw Mills on a TV show called The Brave, which ran about 12-13 episodes in 2017. It was the adventures of an elite military unit that would parachute into hot spots, kill bad guys, rescue good guys, and do other cool stuff. It deserved a second season.
Friday Shoe Pr0n:
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Maple Bacon Doughnuts:

(h/t, as usual, to
Food Porn on Twitter)

posted by OregonMuse at
11:18 AM
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