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April 04, 2019
The Morning Rant: Minimalist Edition
As usual, New Jersey is taking one of its few successes and trying mightily to destroy it. These vocational schools seem to work rather well, and select students who are motivated and have the basic intelligence to succeed. But that cannot stand, because success...and the youth of New Jersey...must be sacrificed on the altar of political correctness and inclusivity and affirmative action and the other jargonny bullshit that the Left flings about when they set their sights on some free-market success story.
How New Jersey turned vocational schools into sought-after academies
But in an effort to create a variety of programs to attract a range of academic achievers, the county-run model’s admissions process has produced a stratified system in which some of the elite vocational academies enroll a student body that’s significantly less diverse than the population of the schools’ home counties. This isn’t the case at Tech, but it is occurring at some of the academies, which require an admissions test. It’s a challenge that administrators of the programs are just beginning to grapple with, and it is emerging as New Jersey faces a legal battle over segregation in its traditional public schools, which are among the most racially divided in the nation.
What challenge? They are simply selecting the best students for a competitive program. I see nothing wrong with that, and everything right! How else should the students be selected? Shall they walk a line past a group of color sensors and be picked according to some algorithm that ensures a beautiful mosaic? Shall it be done according to last name? Or maybe by genitalia? Oh..wait...that is horribly exclusionary.
In a 2017 report, Smarick said New Jersey’s county vocational high schools hold lessons for other parts of the country, but he noted that the use of specialized tests as admissions criteria has generated criticism “for ‘creaming’ districts’ best students and having student bodies that do not reflect their counties’ demographics.”
Does this guy hear himself speak? Specialized tests sounds like exactly how we should be finding the best and brightest for these competitive schools. I sure don't want some multi-culti retard running wire in my new house! How about if we choose the best, regardless of color or sex or gender or size of left thumb? Otherwise we will get people who refuse to use the white wire because of its inherent privilege.
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