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Lee Smith: The Russia Conspiracy Theory is an "Extinction-Level Event" for the Media's Make-Pretend "Expert Class" »
March 29, 2019
The Morning Rant

"In my opinion, the lyingest sh*tweasel in this whole Russian collusion clown show has been Congressman Adam Schiff. He's been insisting all along that he's seen "conclusive evidence" of Trump's involvement with shady Russian operatives who helped him steal the presidency from Hillary, the rightful winner of the 2016 election. Which would be news to Robert Mueller, who's been looking for precisely this evidence for 2 whole years. Which raises the question: If Schiff actually had evidence, why didn't he put it on a thumb drive and walk it over to Mueller's office? Was that so hard? If he's been sitting on it all of this time, wouldn't that be obstruction of justice. If I were Mueller, I'd be thoroughly p*ssed. So does Schiff have the goods on Trump or not? Because if he's got nothing (as I suspect), then what he did is the equivalent of shouting 'FIRE!' in a crowded theater when there is no fire. There should be consequences. At the very least, Schiff needs to put up or shut up."
What A Sack of Sh*t:
Weaponize > Seize > Pounce:
And Here Come the Bitter Clingers:
Weirdest Post-Mueller Let-Down Tweet::
Who Dis:

Note on cheating: If you don't know who is in the photo and do a Google or Bing image search, please don't blurt out the answer right away. Let those who are trying to guess have a shot at it. Thank you.
For the 'Ettes:

If you need a clue, take a look at this
more recognizable photo.
Wednesday's celebs: Myrna Loy and a young Mikhail Gorbachev wearing a snazzy fedora.
Friday Shoe Pr0n:
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Baby Back Ribs:

posted by OregonMuse at
11:17 AM
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