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March 22, 2019
This ONT Is No Joke!
Do you know why? This picture holds a clue:
CO Soldiers Celebrating Post Deployment At Hilton Met With Shocking Sign ‘No Longer Serving Military & Their Guests’
The people that posted the sign? Fired. Huh. I guess wonders never do cease.
Them Other McDonalds Are Fine
Sure, she's a comedienne doing a bit, but it's a funny bit.
The Last Slave Ship Survivor Gave an Interview in the 1930s. It Just Surfaced
I found this bit to be interesting:
Hurston’s use of vernacular dialogue in both her novels and her anthropological interviews was often controversial, as some black American thinkers at the time argued that this played to black caricatures in the minds of white people. Hurston disagreed, and refused to change Lewis’ dialect—which was one of the reasons a publisher turned her manuscript down back in the 1930s.
Many decades later, her principled stance means that modern readers will get to hear Lewis’ story the way that he told it.
That's....not usually celebrated. History is the study of people, and being able to “hear” those people with a realistic “voice” makes understanding them easier. Liberals have kittens over Huck Finn's use of the N word WRT Jim, but that realistic portrayal of the period vernacular makes the character's moral story arc more remarkable. Now, of course Huck Finn is fiction, but the same holds true with historical accounts.
Feminist Insanity
Georgia bill would require men to report every release of sperm to officers
This is somehow supposed to be the same as restrictions on abortion or something, don't ask me. They seem to miss the slight distinction that Pussy-Hat Pammy is, you know, killing someone while Onan over there is just messing up the sidewalk. In any event, I can imagine if this thing passed:
"911, what's your emergency?"
"Just reporting that I nutted officer"
"I'm going again, should I call back or do you want to hold the line?"
The Religion of Humanity
Christianity and Humanity—from a Distance
Mahoney draws on..(various philosophers - Ed)..to elucidate the ways in which Catholic laymen, intellectuals, and authorities—very much including Pope Francis—are allowing a desiccated humanitarianism to take the place of the Christian gospel itself. They are, as Machen complained about liberal Protestants a century ago, dutifully taking their orders from sages and experts who have only contempt for Christianity and so relinquishing the very thing they mean to preserve: their own relevance.
Almost every time I see non-Christians trying to use gospel as either a “gotcha!” to Christians or as a justification for one of their idiot ideas (Jesus was a socialist, man!), the number one thing that they miss is that the teachings of Jesus were intended for individuals. “Render unto Caesar” was a rejection of worldly concerns as applicable to his teachings at all (and a neat sidestep of a transparent trap).
Mmmm, Pie*
* 400 Quatloons to the person who gets the reference here.
Feel Good Story
Tonight's ONT brought to you by NeverTrumpers reacting to the news about the Mueller report:

posted by WeirdDave at
10:01 PM
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