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March 22, 2019
The Dud Bombshell, Continued
I've added a bunch in the sidebar.
Here's some spin:
Old Spin: Mueller's going to prove Trump is guilty of colluding with a hostile foreign power
New Spin: the real story here is that Mueller performed creditably
Old Spin: The president is a traitor. We know this. We don't need to wait for evidence.
New Spin: Now that it's proven the president is not a traitor, don't YOU all owe apologies to Robert Mueller for smearing his name?
Old Spin: Trump and Jared and Don Jr. and a host of other conspirators colluded with Russia
New Spin: the lack of any new indictments, or any indictments mentioning conspiracy with Russia, probably just means that Trump isn't being indicted because he's a sitting president. I guess he conspired with Russia completely alone! "We'll see" what evidence our conspiracy theory may uncover in the future.
Flounder adds:
Some old spin/new spin I heard round about Feb., when they started downplaying this:
Old Spin: Muh Russia!
New Spin: Nah brah. I never really thought there was any Russian collusion.
YUP! That was a really egregious gear-grinding reversal. I forgot about that flip-flop. They have so many.
Flashback: Do you remember how often the walls were closing in on Trump or all the times the wheels were coming off?

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:34 PM
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