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March 22, 2019
Trump Appoints Conservative Supporter Stephen Moore to Fed Board; Moore Calls The Fed "The Swamp" And Has Said "Fire the Fed"
This is the Club for Growth guy.
Moore has long been a supporter of Trump, including throughout the 2016 presidential election. He has written approvingly of the president’s criticisms of the Federal Reserve.
"I believe the people on the Federal Reserve Board should be thrown out for economic malpractice," he said in December.
Moore also spoke disapprovingly of Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, noting, "I always thought he was a bad choice. He's been a Fed guy for many years. Donald Trump wanted to drain the swamp. The Fed is the swamp."
He also authored a recent op-ed titled, "Fire the Fed" in which he likened Powell to a misguided pilot who lost his way.
I was told Trump would be appointing his Democrat liberal sister to all of these positions.
I was told this by people who pretend to be geniuses on Twitter and who tell me they're the Ones Who Really Understand Politics and Reality and Stuff.
The left is trying to Education Shame Moore -- I mean, he "only" has a Master's Degree in Economics.
So what? Kessler seems to want to imply that most Fed chairmen are Nobel Memorial Prize winners (something I frankly never heard of before), but of course that's silly. He's talking about one guy that the GOP blocked, not on education grounds, I'm thinking, but for other reasons.
Meanwhile, Trump is boasting, as he does, about last year's 3.1% growth, which he points out is the best yearly growth in 14 years.
But he thinks it could have been better -- that it could have hit 4%, which is his goal -- if the Fed had stopped its aggressive rate-raising sooner.
That is why he wants an ally who thinks like him on the Fed's board, of course.

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:46 PM
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