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March 25, 2019
The Morning Rant

"So I was watching a CNN roundtable discussion earlier and Brian Stelter said, 'Well, guys, we really screwed the pooch on this one. There was absolutely no collusion between Trump, or for that matter, any other American, and Russia. But none of our viewers would have ever guessed that that might be the case from our coverage. We were mad as hell that Hillary lost and we hated Trump for beating her. We let our partisanship and hatred of Trump completely undermine our competence as journalists. By knowingingly and enthusiastically participating and egging on this time and money-wasting witch-hunt, we've discredited ourselves and our profession. It's going to be hard to repair the damage to our credibilty. We should be servicing the glory holes for quarters in rest stops along the interstate. Compared to what we've been doing for the last two years, that would be honorable work.' And then the camera panned over to John Brennan who said, 'Well, Brian, I agree with everything you've said. But I have no right to get on my high horse about any of this because I'm an utter disgrace to the intelligence community. Hell, I'm lucky I'm not doing 10 years in a federal PMITA prison right now. I can't believe you guys had me on for interviews week after week as if I were some kinda lofty Olympian sage. The reality is, I'm a partisan hack who hates Trump and wants him gone by any means necessary. How about you, Pete?' And Peter Strzok was on the panel, too. And he said, 'John, compared to me, you're a tower of integrity. I'm a lying sh*tstain. I give the word slimy a bad name. Hell, I have to look up to tie Sid Blumenthal's shoelaces. I'm not even good enough to be pond scum. I'm yeast. Everybody knows that. Everybody has always known that. It was obvious from the get-go. Everyone sitting at this table was part of an organized, coordinated coup attempt against a sitting president. We all owe him an apology.' And then I woke up. Dang, I have to ease up on that fermented pineapple just before hitting the sack."
Attention Progressives & NeverTrumpers:
Who Dis:

(bigger)The attire this actress is best known for is more silly than attractive, so I'm glad I found this other photo that I think better shows her natural beauty.
And For the 'Ettes, A Man Who Needs No Introduction:

Friday's celebs: Mme. LePout (Bardot) and Tim Tebow (plus bonus: his smokin' hot wife)
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Chicken and Waffles:

posted by OregonMuse at
11:36 AM
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