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March 25, 2019
British Government Quotes Bible to Prove Christianity Is Not a "Peaceful" Religion
This story is about an asylum seeker from an Islamic country. He was formerly Muslim, he says, and converted to Christianity when he discovered Islam was a warlike religion. He became a Christian, he claims, because it's a peaceful religion.
As an apostate now, I guess he's seeking asylum due to religious persecution.
In arguing to deny his asylum application, the British government argued Christianity isn't peaceful so his request is ill-founded.
Britain's immigration department has been condemned for citing violent Bible passages as the basis to reject an asylum claim by an Iranian national who said he had converted to Christianity because it was a "peaceful" religion.
The Home Office -- which is responsible for handling immigration, security and law and order -- used verses from the books of Leviticus, Exodus and Revelation in an attempt to argue that Christianity was hardly "peaceful."
The case drew a rebuke from the Church of England, and immigration advocates denounced the decision as another example of the Home Office's harsh methods.
The man, who has not been identified and had converted from Islam, filed the claim in 2016, the immigration caseworker and legal representative, Nathan Stevens, wrote on Twitter. It was not clear whether the man had made his conversion a basis for his claim.
It's possible they only resorted to this argument because they had other evidence that this guy wasn't on the level and was just using a phony claim about conversion to gain sympathy and therefore entry into the UK.
But this is the UK. I think it's even more likely they were offended by the claim that Christianity is more peaceful than Islam, and really, seriously attempted to prove that this guy is guilty of WRONGTHINK and therefore not welcome in the UK.
BTW: If anyone can arrange a Contemptuous Intervention to get JackStraw off the reefer and get him to finally love something in this world besides his precious spleef, you'd be doing God's work.
BTW, a Contemptuous Intervention is like a tough love thing but without any love. It's basically just very personal, vicious bullying -- all criticism, no constructive elements -- combined with light kidnapping.
People pretend to care in a normal Intervention. In a Contemptuous Intervention, they're more honest, and very upfront about being there mostly for the after-party once the drop the dreg off at the clinic.
Jack, you don't need to waste your life sucking the Cartegena C**k. There are people who are close to you. I don't mean emotionally, I just mean they're physically nearby. You can go to them and ask them to berate you and tell you what a stoner cuckboy you are. I'm sure they've been wanting to cut loose for years.
You have so much to contribute to others. Chiefly your organs when you pass at an expectedly young age. Please don't dirty them up with your filthy drugging lifestyle and your frequent incidents of Survival Prostitution.
Please don't make young people who haven't made the tragic narcotic and sexual decisions you've made pay for your selfishness and your weakness as a man and that drip that just won't go away.
Get off the glass dick, get out of the shooting galleries, stop chasing the dragon and start living your life like it matters.
I mean it doesn't, but pretend. For other, worthier people's sake.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:56 PM
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