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March 20, 2019

The Morning Report - 3/20/19


Good morning kids. Midweek so here we go. Nothing really new or breaking to cover but the central theme, I suppose, this morning is the ongoing and now out in the open simultaneous assault on several fronts by the Democrat-Media Complex to change and or break the rules entirely to give them a permanent stranglehold on political power in DC and the statehouses as well as the muzzling of any and all dissenting voices in all media. And all of this is because every attempt to destroy President Trump has failed, and spectacularly so.

The salient point is that he represents me and all of you who are collectively sick of how every aspect of America has been corrupted and turned upside down for the past 50-100 years and have collectively said "enough!" And for that, we must be destroyed. Look no further than the mind gulags of academia, the shaming and demonization of anyone in social(ist) media or the media in general for "hate speech" i.e. an opinion not in lockstep with the SJW liturgy, and day by day a ramping up of physical violence to whomever is seen as the Emanuel Goldstein du jour.

And all of this is happening because the uncouth, orange-complected, nouveau-riche big-mouthed billionaire with the Morrie from Goodfellas combover from Queens not only beat them at their own political game but gives it back to them twice as hard when he is attacked. Something that goes against the narrative and mission of whomever happens to be Republican and/or conservative in a position of power which means keeping your mouth shut as you're smeared and libeled while keeping the seat warm for the next Democrat after you skulk off into oblivion as a CoC lobbyist. But more dangerously, it means that if he can do it with ease and aplomb, others can as well. And not just running for political office but in every walk of life. Come what may in 2020 and for sure after 2024, things cannot and surely will not go on as before. Please G-d.

To the links we go and first to the border where in a 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court made the sane decision that illegal alien border jumpers can be detained by the authorities at any time. Funny how if you can stomach reading or listening to the agitprop media, the slant of the reportage is exclusively from that of the dissenting opinion with not one column inch or pixel devoted to the majority decision, or if it is, to blast it as on the wrong side of history. Meh, that only illustrates how they do not recognize their bias as being biased, but as the default position of American society. Also, of note, it seems the President has $12.8 billion to fund the wall in unused and seemingly readily available Pentagon funds. That said, there is still a crisis that demands not just a wall but the absolute enforcement of our laws on the books in the rounding up and rapid repatriation of any and all foreign nationals on our soil without permission and the punishing of any citizen or company knowingly employing them and/or shielding them from the law. And the one surefire way to help this process and prevent future mass invasion is the cutting off of all benefits to anyone who is not a citizen.

On to politics where we start with Democrat-Left scandals. New York University will host Sarsour the Hamas Louse as she preaches peace, love, understanding and Joo-hatred within earshot of the Washington Square arch (and chez Sefton), and lookie here! It seems we have a report about "Bro-Fo" Omar meeting with Turk Turdogan in 2017. Elsewhere, in light of the revelations about Chiquita Khruschev's campaign fund shenanigans, she has been dumped from the board of the so-called Justice Democrats, the organization that she supposedly helped organize. Elsewhere, "Blotto" O'Rourke is not just a garden variety phony leftist asshole but a rather disturbing creep, and Jello-Brain Gillibrand is a bust out hypocrite on virtually everything including shielding and paying creeps accused of sexual harassment. Meh, she has no shot but let her keep flapping her pie-hole. And the Congolese immigrant who climbed the Statue of Liberty last year gets 5 years probation. She should get a short ride on a Pinochet helicopter, past the 12-mile limit.

Elsewhere, "Blotto" stammers and stutters when a college student actually asks him a real policy question, Joe Bidet hints he might be running, Rancida Tliban wanted Arizona boycotted for trying to protect its citizens from illegals, several links as hinted in my rant about Democrat efforts to pack the court, destroy the electoral college and give 16-year-olds the vote so they can win elections and get policies etched in stone they could never do electorally/legitimately, Marco Rubio introduces an amendment to freeze SCOTUS at 9 seats, Andrew Yang hates mohels, the good Roger Simon has some good advice for Trump about Twitter and Mitt-elschmerz Romney defends McStains after Trump hints that he lurks here in his attacks on the dead Keating Fiver. What more can we say about this bitter, angry globalist hack? Can't understand why Trump continues to attack him? Because Trump is not a bullshit artist. McStains was a fraud, a crook and concerned for one thing and one thing only: himself. To the end his bitterness, vindictiveness and jealousy prevented him from swallowing his pride and voting to repeal the destructive Obamacare edict. But no. Thumbs down to the American people. If anything, the President was being charitable in his words yesterday about McStain. I'd wager Romney will go out the same way as his cohort did, insofar as his words and deeds while in Congress. This guy is a fucking snake.

Abortion: "Blotto" Beto jumps on the infanticide bandwagon and a look at the Senate Democrats who love it as well.

First Amendment and Fake News Faker: Lots of stuff today starting with Louisiana AG Jeff Landry is leading a growing movement to break up Big Brother Big Tech, JmJ Acosta is a pathetic joke, Bill Maher does a blind squirrel impression, NY Times smears PDT vis a vis New Zealand, the media took a sudden interest in the doings at the EPA after Trump was elected, Ted Koppel illustrates my point about being unaware of his and his ilk's bias despite correctly stating the media is out to get Trump, veteran wins 20-year war against his home owners' association to fly our damn flag, and Daniel Greenfield on the media pushing the 2020 field ever leftward. Could actually be a chicken and egg story. He's always worth a read, no matter what.

Guns: Despite what George Schicker-Looper says, the data shows that the Colorado gun-check law did nothing substantive... except impede the second amendment.

Foreign Desk: President Trump and Brazilian prexy Bolsonaro in complete accord on several key issues, US goes head to head with Putin on his colluding with Maduro to ruin Venezuela, the latter's goons torture and beat up a Polish journalist (hello? CNN?), Congressional leaders unload on saboteurs in the administration trying to keep the Iran deal alive, UN human rights council censors a speaker for pointing out the human rights abusers in the audience, and Humberto Fontova blasts the UN for honoring racist mass murdering psycho Che Guevara.

DEE-fense: A look at the military industrial complex and surprise, surprise; a former DIA agent convicted of being a Chi-Com spy hated Trump.

We-All-Slam-For-I-Slam: I can't say I blame the Chinese for this, a couple of essays on creeping (faster and faster) sharia and yet another German woman butchered at the hands of one of Merkel's migrants.

Economic News: Calls for more tariffs on China to stop them from destroying our auto industry and the $15 minimum wage fuels crime.

Vatican Sex Abuse Scandal: Francis rejects resignation of French Cardinal convicted of covering up the abuse.

Healthcare: Gillibrand lets her totalitarian freak flag fly and Molly McCaughey not a fan of legalizing pot.

Education: Chiquita Khruschev and the failure of higher ed, and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and his legislature are going all in on charter schools and real school reform. This guy is quietly doing some great things down there.

Feminazism & Transgender Psychosis: Britain's Speech Police pounce on woman for speaking normally and Houston unleashes obese child molester on the children. Meh, it's Jackass-Lee town.

Hither and Yon: Michael Ledeen on confronting and defeating the new totalitarians (I saw them open for The New Barbarians at Knebworth in '79).

Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

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posted by at 07:45 AM

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