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March 15, 2019
Peter Strzok's Congressional Testimony: Robert Mueller Never Asked Me About My Many, Many Anti-Trump Texts. He Didn't Seem to Care About Them At All.
Impartial straight-arrow.
After the anti-Trump texts came to light, Mueller booted Strzok from the special counsel probe, but according to the FBI agent's testimony, Mueller's team never asked him whether the anti-Trump bias revealed in his text messages impacted his investigation of alleged collusion between Donald Trump's campaign and Russia.
In the June 2018 hearing, Strzok repeated over and over that Mueller's team never asked him about the anti-Trump bias in the texts or whether that bias impacted his work. This news seems particularly damning since it suggests the special counsel's team did not care whether Strzok's work was colored by anti-Trump bias.
"Did special counsel Mueller or the other attorney in the room ask you whether or not your expression of personal belief about Donald Trump influenced any of the actions or decisions that you had taken or any of the evidence or information that you had gathered?" Ratcliffe asked.
Strzok replied, "No."
More of the transcript at PJMedia. Basically Robert Mueller just didn't care. I get the sense he didn't want to ask a question because he feared Strzok's honest answers could damage his precious frameup.

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:22 PM
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