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March 15, 2019
Derek Hunter: It's Time for Conservatives To Either Fight Back Against The Left's Smears or Surrender to Them
I know how some pretend-conservatives have already chosen.
The best characteristic of President Donald Trump is his willingness to fight. Actually, he doesn't really fight, he fights back. If someone goes after him, he goes back at them twice as hard. He doesn't let decorum or politeness get in his way, he gives people a dose of their own medicine. He may not win every battle, but damn it, he fights and wins more than he loses. Republicans need to learn this lesson or just give up now so they can be replaced by people who will.
Unfortunately, Republicans, and specifically conservatives, tend to go in the opposite direction. They don't respond in kind the way Trump does. They have a history of trying to "make nice" with people attacking them, or ignore the attacks completely.
There's something to be said for not punching down, far too many people respond to every criticism against them on social media like it's an affront to their very lives. They make themselves look smaller in the process, though most aren't all that bright to begin with. You have to pick your battles. But conservatives have a history of not picking any battles, of taking hits and walking away. That can't continue to happen.
Derek compares this to Tucker Carlson's admirable effort to fight back against the leftwing mob -- a mob which has been sicced on conservative after conservative, and Conservatism, Inc. permits them to do so every time.
Each time they are unleashed, damage is done. But no price is extracted for that damage. Conservatives never return the favor of dragging old quotes or actions into the light, they almost uniformly refuse to call for boycotts. They prefer to "take the high road." What good is the high road if it leads to defeat? Moral victories are just a polite way to justify losing.
There's another word for "moral victory." That word is "loss."
Liberals collect scalps, conservatives collect moral victories. This isn't a battle for local dog catcher, it's a fight for the future of the country; it's time for the right to fight back the way they're being attacked. Mutually assured destruction is the only way to stop these fascists in their tracks.
Then he gets into a specific plan of attack, which is not a diffuse boycott of CNN (no one watches CNN anyway, he observes), but picking One target, one object lesson, one person to make an example of.
By the way, Derek's daily podcast is really good.
But if I had one criticism: Not enough babybabble about superhero movies and funtime hobbies to pursue while your wife is entertaining a Gentleman F***er on her elbows and knees. But then, there are plenty of those. Every cuck has decided he's an electrifying enough presence to justify a podcast.
And by the way: All these cucks do is appear on each other's podcasts. Literally. Hey, did you hear who Charlie Sykes has on this week? David French and Noah Rothman!!! And say, who was on David French's podcast last week? Why, Charlie Sykes and Noah Rothman!
What the f*** do these sad, fat losers have remaining to say to one another? It's like two merry-go-rounds side by side but spinning in opposite directions where one cuck says "Did you hear, Orangemanbad?" as he passes another and the other responds, "Oh yes, Orangemanbad. Also, Virtue Good." And then the next guy says, "Virtue Good, I is Virtue," and the next guy agrees, "Virtue Good, Me Have Virtue, Praise Me for Virtue."
And the next guy goes, "My wife is sleeping with her entire Wine Tasting Club and I've lost the will to live." And the next guy just cries and says, "Me Also. But also, Orangemanbad."
posted by Ace of Spades at
03:33 PM
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