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March 11, 2019
The Morning Rant

"From what I've been able to tell from news reports, here is the Democrats' 2020 campaign platform in a nutshell: 'We hate you, we *really* hate Jews, we hate babies, we hate America, and we want you to starve. Now give us all your guns.'"
Democrats 2020 (I):
Democrats 2020 (II):
Cue the Outrage Mob:

this is how you handle the crybullies: never apologize, never surrender. Let's hope Carlson's overlords at Fox don't cave.
Why Am I Not Surprised?
Who Dis:
And For the 'Ettes:
Friday's celebrities: Deborah Harry and Russell Crowe.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Apple Pie and Ice Cream:

(h/t, as usual, to
Food Porn on Twitter)

posted by OregonMuse at
11:15 AM
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