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March 06, 2019
David Corn Tries to Score a Date With Alexandria Donkey-Chompers Through White Knighting and Toilet Flirting
First, David Corn breathlessly tweeted out the major news that he had, allegedly, seen some anti-Alexandria Donkey-Chompers graffiti in a toilet in Phoenix Skyharbor airport.
News of this HATE CRIME electrified twitter. The airport contacted David Corn for MORE INFORMATION so they could RESPOND IMMEDIATELY to this DIRE THREAT against AMERICAN DEMOCRACY ITSELF.
But apparently the MAGA HAT WEARING GRAFFITI was written in a shade of ink called "Jussie Smollett Periwinkle."
Well, some RACIST CONSERVATIVES made fun of David Corn on Twitter for all this, so this SHITHOUSE SLEUTH set out to prove his original charge of TOILET HATE:
Tell me: Did Fusion GPS tell you where to find the graffiti, Dookie Detective?

posted by Ace of Spades at
02:05 PM
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