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EMT 03/02/19 »
March 01, 2019
Nothing too heavy tonight, mostly just light and fun stuff. Like this doggo for Fido Friday:
Down to the final 20 or so games of the season, with the Lightning playing head and shoulders above the rest of the NHL and the Flames with a 7 point lead on the Sharks in the West. The games are getting grittier, with hard checking defense elbowing out the high scoring offense that usually characterizes the first half of an NFL season. It doesn't look like anyone can challenge Tampa Bay, but you never know in a 7 game series. Whose your dark horse choice for the cup? Calgary? Along with the Islanders, they're this year's surprise team, and they've been top dogs in the West for most of the season. Does Nyquist tip the scales in the Sharks favor, or will Stone spark a Vegas return to the finals? Can anyone in the East take out the Lightning? Bruins, Caps, Pens, Isles? Anyone want to step up to the plate and slay the dragon? Give us your prognostications below.
Now, I've never been a Habs fan, but Carey Price is not only a great goalie, he's a pretty damn good man.
Boy and girl, now four, are only the second case of ‘sesquizygotic’ twins recorded
Two sperm fertilize one egg, which then develops into 'semi-identical' twins. Pretty neat.
Cargo Ship Led by Drunk Russian Captain Crashes Into Major South Korea Bridge (with video)
Funniest part of the story? The ship then tried to flee the scene, maybe hoping that nobody would notice. Spoiler: It didn't work.
Butt Cancer!
Butt implants linked to cancer
I'm not making light of the fact that the woman died, but it's interesting the facts of the article contradict the alarmist headline:
The authors noted that this case only shows an association between the woman's textured implants and ALCL, and they cannot confirm that the implants were the cause of the woman's cancer. The doctors also wrote that this patient appeared to have a particularly aggressive cancer, which was diagnosed just one year after her implants. In most cases of ALCL tied to breast implants, the cancer occurs about 10 years after implant surgery.
Related: Modus Operandi: The Methods By Which EPA & ATSDR Keep The Fear Alive
Article from a guy who spent his career as a toxicologist with the ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry ) about how there is no “science” behind bogus “studies” the government uses to justify increased regulations and control on things like climate change and the EPA.
Those guns that fire when the trigger is pulled are not half as dangerous as the ones that we need to ban because they randomly shoot people on their own.
That teen is being raised right.
Tonight's ONT is brought to you by Andrew Breitbart, who passed away seven years ago today. We lost a warrior that day, and I can't help but think how much he would have loved to see the implosion of the media in the era of Trump – and how much greater that implosion would be if he were still around to stoke the fires. R.I.P.
The Yahoo Group agrees with Andrew. Fuck you. War.

posted by WeirdDave at
09:30 PM
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