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The Bullseeker Website Defends Its Decision to Have the Only "Reporter" at CPAC Be a Strident Leftwinger and Enthusiast for Late-Term Abortion: She's Our "Token Lib" »
March 01, 2019
True Conservative Bill Kristol Sends Abortion-Loving Liberal To Attack Conservatives at CPAC
And it goes as well as you might expect.
Even other NeverTrumpers are becoming repulsed by the stink of Bill Kristol and Pierre Omidyar's Democrat-boosting political operation, and feel the need to distance themselves from Bill Kristol and Charlie "3-Wives" Sykes' putrescence.
This Shaved Chaka empty-head is talking about Michelle Malkin there. "Some woman.
Great hire, Kap'n Bill!
Last year, she did a tweet thread declaring how important late-term abortions were.
Which is about as Tru Con as you can get!
By the way, this Shaved Chaka empty head did two silly things recently:
1, like all pathologically stupid liberals, she took John Cornyn's statement about Mussolini -- intended to suggest a parallel with the liberal state -- as endorsing Mussolini.
2, she then called for Beto O'Rourke to defeat him in an election.
Which is very on-brand for The Bulwark, whose staffers have been trying to elect Democrats for the past two cycles and are continuing their pro-Democrat agitation for a third.

Tell us all more about True Conservatism, Kap'n Bill and Ol' 3-Wives.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:29 PM
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