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March 04, 2019
The Morning Rant

"This latest thing, a Weekly Standard reboot that calls itself The Bulwark, has been running for, what, a couple three weeks now, and it's already a clown show run by drunks. To recap: CPAC is in town and so the mighty Bulwark sends in a 26-year old liberal ideologue to cover it for them, and her reporting is pretty much as sneeringly derogatory as what you'd expect from a 26 year old progressive ideologue. So the question is, what was the Bulwark's intention here? Why did they send a progressive into CPAC to snark about it? Like they didn't know that's what she would do. Charlie '3 wives' Sykes has been getting hammered about this on Twitter and so far, neither he nor his business partner Bill 'Ahoy, Sailor' Kristol have done anything but offer up strawmen and evasions in lieu of an actual explanation. The Bulwark claims to be "conserving conservatism," but how does publicly ridiculing CPAC conservatives accomplish this? It seems like such a bad business decision. With Trump's approval rating at or above 90% among Republicans, that doesn't leave The Bulwark with a lot of potential market share. Plus, with the new Goldberg-Hayes web site/newsletter/whatever project going live at some point, the market is going to get even smaller. It reminds me of a bunch of elephants crowding around a dwindling waterhole in the hot sun. And Sykes-Kristol isn't helping matters much by sending someone to CPAC to alienate the potential market they have left. Seriously, in what universe does that make sense? I'll bet there are more rent-seeking NeverTrumpers in the media then there are potential members of The Bulwark's audience. They're just all talking to each other, and, here is the good part, nobody is listening. Kristol-Sykes and Goldberg-Hayes are waltzing their way to irrelevancy."
This Did Not Age Well:

From the Horse's Mouth:
Retrieved From the Memory Hole:
"No Thanks, I'm Trying To Quit"
Who Dis:
Click here if you need a hint.
For the 'Ettes:
Friday's celebrities: Cynthia Lennon, Maureen Starkey, Jenny Boyd and Pattie Boyd in the first photo, and Bollywood actor John Abraham in the second.
And I especially want to thank moron commenter Wheatley for correctly identifying the music in the radio commercial as 'Descent Of The Cyclopeans' by Goldenrod. You can listen to the entire 6-minute song here. The full album it came from, released in 1969, is here. This band is completely new to me and this is one of the best albums I've never heard. If you're a fan of psychedelic blues rock, you should give it a listen.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Pepperoni Pizza and Cheesy Bread:

(h/t, as usual, to
Food Porn on Twitter)

posted by OregonMuse at
11:20 AM
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