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The Morning Report - 3/1/19 »
February 28, 2019
Come Out With Your ONT Up!
Know what's fun (for certain, very bored, values of fun)? Changing the location of your VPN and watching how the ads on the web pages you visit change. Right now the add at the top of this page is telling me that Florida will pay off my mortgage if I live near Miami. It can be useful when you run across “content blocked in your country”. Hmm. OK....look, I'm in Budapest! * video plays *
Anyhow, I think we should open the ONT with what is one of the few things that has truly stunned me lately, namely this tweet from the ATF:
I'm pretty blasé online. Yesterday everyone was sharing an article (with pictures) of some gal who smeared her menstrual blood on her face to show she was “empowered” or some such nonsense, ho-hum. But when I saw this today I actually stopped and did a double take. Really ATF? Really? Social media score: fail.
Disarming Law Enforcement in Portland
I just do not see the endgame here. This is underpants gnome level governance.
1: Make city unpleasant to live in
2: Everybody leaves
3: ??????????
4: Profit!
Hey, Batterbatterbatterbatterbatter, COOK The Thing, Batter
Mets plan to teach Brandon Nimmo how to cook
Guy under cooks chicken, gets sick, misses games. How do you not know you've under cooked chicken?
By the way, don't DuckDuckGo chicken tartare. It's apparently a thing.
It All Depends on Whose Ox is Being Gored, Doesn't It?
Why My Wife And I Decided To Abort Our Unborn Gay Son
The reaction from those on the left on Twitter to the post linking this satire was....not pleasant. I don't see why not, all he does is regurgitate their exact excuses for murdering babies back at them. If they ever do discover a “gay gene”, the left on left violence on this exact subject will be glorious.
Someone's Crabby
Two People Arrested After Dueling Using Tongs During a Fight Over Buffet Crab Legs
Tragedy of the Commons
Private oyster farming has helped the Chesapeake Bay. But not everyone is happy with the practice.
I found this to be a very interesting article about oyster farming on Chesapeake Bay. There's some NIMBYism opposed “Oh, I don't want to look at a buoy or an oyster boat from the porch of my million dollar home”, and I get that as I'd like to own a home like that one day, but personally those things wouldn't bother me and the economic boon to the state and the environmental boon to the bay is enormous. Fascinating fact from the article: The oyster population of the bay is 300 million oysters, and that number is less than 1% of the oyster population in pre-colonial Maryland. 30 trillion oysters! I dunno, that can't be right. Can it? That's a lot of oysters. Man, it'd take me at least a week to eat that many.
Two Interesting Threads From Twitter
First of all this one, comparing the reception Trump got in Vietnam to the one Obama got
And then this one, from a physician whose kid is undergoing a rare surgery to save his life, and what 'Medicare for all' would mean. Prayers for his kid, too. He posted that he was out of surgery and the docs said it went well 8 hours ago.
You Have to Watch This
Ace posted it in the sidebar. It's the Japanese guy and one of his home made masturbation aids. I saw what he had done and more importantly, listened to the audio, and burst out laughing. You will too.
Fire! Fire! F-f-f-fire!
Tonight's ONT brought to you by good deeds:

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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