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February 27, 2019
Don Trump Jr. Breaks Corporate "Conservative" Orthodoxy and Speaks Up Against Censorship Against Conservatives
Tucker Carlson asks him if Republicans understand this issue, and he said "they're beginning to."
Beginning to? This has been going on for years.
And I don't believe they're beginning to get it. I think they're paid money by the US Chamber of Commerce and Monster Tech's lobbyists to not get it, no matter how blatant and illegal it gets.
David French, Jonah Goldberg, Ben Shapiro and the rest of the Corporate Cucks will continue blabbering about how wicked, wicked conservatives are betraying the cause by not giving a fuck what they have to say any longer while they themselves continue to deliberately not get it.
Hey assholes -- maybe if you acted like you were on our side once in a while we'd treat you as non-enemies.
Don Jr. had also written about this for Real Clear Politics two days ago.
Anti-conservative censorship online has gone from bad to worse. As major social media platforms start to target me for censorship, I shudder to think what it means for millions of other Americans, especially as we approach the 2020 presidential campaign.
As Jussie Smollett's preposterous story about being beaten in a racist, homophobic attack was falling apart, I posted about it on Facebook-owned Instagram, pointing out how unbelievable his allegation was in the first place.
After I let my followers know my thoughts on the Smollett hoax, I received a notification that Instagram deleted my post. When I complained about this blatant censorship, Instagram claimed it was a mistake. My post had just been removed "in error," the company said. Rather than get better, though, the situation just got worse. Conservatives soon let me know by direct message that Instagram was preventing them from following my account, or even sharing or liking any of my posts.
I'm sure Instagram will claim that this, too, was all just a terrible mistake. It's funny how these "mistakes" never seem to happen to liberals at the critical moment of a news cycle. More to the point, if this is really a "mistake," then why does it keep happening?
Just as the Smollett hoax is merely the latest of dozens of nonexistent hate crimes blamed on Trump supporters, my experience isn't nearly the first time that conservatives have been censored by social media platforms.
Instagram also deleted a post from former Republican National Committee spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany when she tried to highlight Elizabeth Warren's lies about her ancestry. As soon as censorship of McEnany became a headline, Instagram once again claimed it was all a "mistake." If not for conservative media, the social media giant may never be held accountable.
Facebook offered the same lame excuse after banning several videos posted by conservative nonprofit PragerU for alleged "hate speech." It was an "employee error," the tech giant proclaimed after PragerU publicly complained about the censorship. Likewise, when Facebook encountered pushback for banning an ad for a Republican U.S. Senate candidate in the middle of last year's midterm election campaign, it quickly restored the video and offered a weak apology for its "mistake."
Even worse than the censorship itself is the fact that it takes public outrage just to get Big Tech to treat conservative voices fairly. When social media censorship comes after someone like me, a prominent businessman and the son the president of the United States, it’s a story. The same is not true for the millions of conservative Americans who have no recourse whatsoever when Twitter or Facebook bans their accounts, limits their reach, and otherwise silences their voices because of their political opinions. It is they who are hurt the most by Big Tech's manipulative partisan agenda.
Worryingly, there seems to be no limit to that manipulation. The tech giants are now tinkering with their terms of service to mandate that users adhere to liberal orthodoxy in their posts. It is now, for example, a banishment offense to "misgender" or "deadname" transgender people on Twitter, as even a radical feminist discovered when she tweeted that "men are not women."
He also spoke about this on Fox & Friends two days ago.
Update: The Media Research Center documents more instances of Monster Tech censorship and suppression.

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:26 PM
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