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February 26, 2019
Inspector General Report: A "Senior DOJ" Official Pressured a Female Subordinate Into a Sexual Relationship, and "Sexually Assaulted" Another, But Then the DOJ, Get This, Declined to Prosecute Him For It
Incorruptible straight-arrows all the way down (and all the way up, obviously).
This idea of a Deep State that uses the law as a weapon against mere civilians while granting themselves freedom to violate the law -- even to the point of sexual assault -- as they please is just a big crazy conspiracy theory.
A senior Justice Department official working in the Office of Justice Programs pressured one subordinate "into a sexual relationship with him in exchange for a promotion," "sexually harassed two other subordinates," "sexually assaulted" yet another subordinate, and then "lacked candor" with the Office of the Inspector General when the IG investigated these matters, according to an investigative summary published by the IG.
That means he also committed perjury.
Strange that the DOJ is prosecuting so many Mere Civilians for perjury and obstruction of justice while... well, you'll see.
The unnamed prosecutor or prosecutors to whom the IG referred this case, however, declined to prosecute the senior Justice Department official.
Instead, the man was allowed to retire.
When asked by CNSNews.com, the Justice Department would not say whether this former senior official is now receiving a federal pension or has been allowed to keep a security clearance.
Even though the inspector general concluded that this senior DOJ official's actions were "in violation of law," the prosecutor or prosecutors to whom the IG referred the case decided not to prosecute this senior official.
"Criminal prosecution of the senior DOJ official was declined," the summary said.