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February 26, 2019
Alexandria Donkey-Chompers to Appear in Micro-Tier Independent Comic Book
This isn't a real news story. A bunch of nobodies can make a comic book about someone for a thousand bucks or less. Probably no one will end up reading it.
This isn't news -- this is CNN.
Although the title and cover prominently feature Ocasio-Cortez, Blaylock said the comic book is going to be "a collection of stories that all embrace the theme that we're excited about all of the energy and positive change this new crop of Congresspersons is going to bring."
The comic book will be like an anthology, and the stories will span all genres.
"Some of the stories are really sweet; some are completely absurd and satirical; some are cathartic and venting," Blaylock said.
Coming next: Minor Etsy jewelry-maker plans anti-Trump bangles.
Again, not a story. It's just an excuse for CNN to indulge its two favorite pastimes, clickbait and parapolitical nonsense. Crap that can be claimed to be somehow political, but which is really just silly shit that even People Magazine would turn its journalistic nose up at.
The only reason I'm linking this is because of this hilarious parody of Ben Shapiro that @NazBorzoi cooked up:

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:24 PM
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