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February 25, 2019
Poll: Americans Shift Dramatically Towards Pro-Life Label; Pro-Choice and Pro-Life Positions Now Tied with 47% of Country Backing Them
New poll finds a shifting of attitudes
According to a new poll from Marist, Americans' attitudes on abortion have dramatically shifted over the last month. Americans are now as likely to identify as pro-life (47 percent) as they are pro-choice (47 percent). A similar survey taken by Marist just last month found Americans were more likely to identify as pro-choice than as pro-life by a 17-point difference.
If you're wondering if this shift coincided with Democrats' open embrace of actual infanticide -- thus clarifying a debate that it would be better for the pro-choice side to keep unclarified -- it does seem the two are connected:
This surge in pro-life Americans comes after several states have passed or pushed for radical policies advocating for unlimited access to abortion, at any stage of gestation, for any reason or no reason at all. The survey was conducted Feb. 12-17, just weeks after New York passed the Reproductive Health Act, expanding access to post-viability, third-trimester abortions, and repealing protections for aborted children older than 20 weeks who are born alive. A proposed bill in Virginia would allow abortion up until the point of birth, and Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam endorsed giving doctors and mothers the power to decide whether an infant lives or dies after it is born. Last week, the Vermont House passed an even more extreme version of the New York RHA.
Democrats just voted against cloture on the Born Alive Protection Act, which would have required doctors have sought medical attention for a baby born in the course of an abortion, like you would with a, what do you call it, human being who was born alive, instead of, as Bill Kristol donor recipient Governor Ralph Northam would say, keeping it comfortable while a discussion about whether to kill it ensues.
The vote (which required 60 to end debate, because the Senate continues to play by Fake Filibuster rules) failed with 53 in favor, 44 against. Democrats Casey, Manchin, and Doug Jones of Alabama flipped to pretend to care about the issue. Three Senators -- Tim Scott of South Carolina, Kevin Cramer of North Dakota, and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska all chose to not be present for the vote.

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:03 PM
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