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February 22, 2019
Trump's Title X Rule Change Could Effectively Defund Planned Parenthood
The "True Conservatives" ran on this issue and did nothing about it, because they're liars who only care about doing favors for their actual constituents, large corporate interests with deep-pocketed donors.
Trump, the former Democrat with liberal instincts, is actually doing something about it, probably because he is too unschooled in Conservatism, Inc. politics to know that his job is to Trick the Rubes, not attempt to accomplish their political agenda.
The major changes include a new requirement that all participating Title X providers "maintain physical and financial separation from locations which provide abortion as a method of family planning." This means that any clinic or doctor's office that also offers abortions is no longer allowed to receive federal grants that would help provide free or low-cost birth control for low-income women.
Reproductive rights advocates say this is a direct attack on Planned Parenthood, which via the organization's nationwide network of family planning clinics, is currently the largest provider of Title X-funded birth control services. Roughly 41% of patients receiving birth control funded by Title X get those prescriptions at a Planned Parenthood clinic.
The "True Cons" are attempting to sell us Rockefeller Republican social liberalism while claiming they're giving us 100% pure uncut Reaganism.
Yeah, good luck with that, "Elite" -- you "Elite" who did not see your own destruction coming, even though you were warned of its coming for three or four years.
Actual Elites do not get deposed from power. They're too smart for that. They tack and trim and co-opt key constituencies and always stay a few steps ahead of the trend.
FakeNews Elites -- incompetents and nepots who were Sired Not Hired into positions of power -- are the ones who get tossed out on their fat, donor-padded asses and then have dinner meetings for three years after where they just keep asking each other, "What happened? What is going on in the party?!"
And yeah, that's what I hear the "Meetings of the Concerned" mostly consist of, from one attendee.
It's been three fucking years and they still haven't formulated a coherent theory about their defenestration, besides the one they've always had -- that they despise the base for being unsophisticated, racist, and liking Jesus too much.

posted by Ace of Spades at
08:47 PM
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