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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
February 22, 2019
The Morning Report - 2/22/19
Good morning kids. Friday and the weekend is here and (say it with me) "what a week it's been." Lloyd Billingsley at FrontPage Mag wins the internetz with the headline "FAKE NOOSE." In the wake of the Jussie "Galore" Smollett hoax - which from very early on we all strongly suspected was bullshit - the Democrat-Left-Media complex is taking the opportunity not to apologize but to equivocate, obfuscate and cast the blame on "the system" and the climate of hate brought about by the election of Donald Trump - all of this also as predicted would happen. Before going further, I want to actually apologize to the Chicago PD for accusing them of dragging their heels on this for political reasons, though I still think they were doing everything they could to avoid turning Chicago into Ferguson. Not that it would help because even when confronted with facts and reality, the Left makes the good bad, white black and turns the world upside down to preserve its fundamentalist belief system. Kudos to the police chief Eddie Johnson for laying the blame squarely on those who continued to pour rhetorical gasoline on the match Smollett lit. And mercifully they succeeding in snuffing out the flame, although to underscore what I have just stated, the beat goes on vis a vis perpetuating the blood-libeling of America as founded. Two links of note, Milwaukee Sheriff Dave Clarke isn't buying the excuse that Smollett did this to boost his career but in fact did it as an act of political terrorism (my words) and Andrea Peyser in the NY Post with the sad but probably accurate prediction that Smollett skates.
And look a little further down and you will see that Coonman Northam, Poonman Fairfax and the other lawn-jockey wannabe Herring in Virginia are all going to survive scandals and even alleged crimes that in normal (read: Republican and Conservative) circumstances would mean certain political death. Plus, the calm, cool, collected Eichmann-with-a-southern-drawl promotion of infanticide which was covered up by the Media, and is vile beyond belief.
What do you want, egg in your beer? We are living in a country where the former political leadership with the eager cooperation of the highest levels of law enforcement and the intelligence communities used their power to attempt to sabotage the presidential campaign of Donald Trump and then failing that, by concocting evidence to be used as a pretext to game the judicial/court system into conducting a witch hunt that would both overthrow his presidency and simultaneously cover up all of the aforementioned high crimes and treason in service of that aim. And still they walk scot free. And still they persist. Happy fucking Friday.
Among today's notable links...
Immigration/Amnesty: Iowa has the right idea. Walls are for sure great and necessary but if you punish those aiding and abetting the invaders as well as cut off all the welfare and bennies, watch how fast they self-deport and don't come in the first place.
Democrat-Left Official Anti-Semitism: Not a fan in general of David Marcus but he nails it with the epidemic of anti-Jewish non-hoax hate crime in, ironically, the world's biggest Jewish population center.
Democrat Scandals: Despite Comey the Homey, top FBI officials wanted to charge Hillary and Daniel Greenfield on the execrable Mel Watt.
Politics: As Fauxca-Has-Been fades she gets louder, shriller and crazier, Bernie Sanders wanted to puke when JFK confronted (or attempted to confront) Castro, Donkey Chompers whines like a bug-eyed little titty-baby, Agarn O'Rourke allegedly is being courted by Slow-Hand Bidet to be his running mate, Nazi collaborator Soros is already investing in rigging swing state elections for 2020 and Palsi Pelosi doesn't understand the Constitution and separation of powers. Not that she wants to or that anyone obeys that document anyway.
Mueller Witch Hunt and Coup: Conrad Black is dead on that this whole thing is as big a crisis as the Civil War.
First Amendment and Fake News Fakery: Justice Thomas freaks the media out by wanting to revisit a decision that protected them from accountability and F. Lee Levin concurs, the NY Times runs cover for religion of peace propaganda California to persecute Christians, hell freezes over as the leftist rag NY Daily News endorses the GOP candidate for NYC public advocate in the wake of the Amazon debacle (and see the link in the politics section where the entire Democrat field goes after DeBolshevik), and the Other McCain rips into the SPLC.
Foreign Desk: Maduro is a murdering tyrant that has got to go, NorKs kidnap daughter of their man in Rome, Turk Turdogon cozies up to Putin after we embargo sending him fighter jets, and soy-boy Trudeau in hot water over doings in Libya. Meanwhile the Farsis claim to have sabotaged our drone operations in Iraq and comparing Snowden to Witt, the USAF intel dame who betrayed us and went Farsi.
We-All-Slam-For-I-Slam: CAIR naturally demands we take back the traitorous slag who joined ISIS and played Lord Haw Haw for them in Syria. And the 50th anniversary of a notorious terror bombing involving one of "Bro-Fo's" and T-Labia's heroes. Piss be upon them.
Domestic News: Blue States - come for the high taxes and stay for the shitty services, the US hits 12 million barrels a day oil production way ahead of predictions, Nike tanks thanks to sole-lessness, and Donkey Chompers hates billionaires but loves their money.
Crime Blotter: Judge goes after prosecutors who gave Clinton friend and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein an horrendous plea deal, and a look at the abuse of civil asset forfeiture.
Education: The same Santa Barbara parents who vote Democrat 100% are going after the schools over Commie indoctrination. *cue the giant virtual noogies* Hello!? McFly!?
Feminazism, Transgender Psychosis and Perversion Politics: Gay marriage? Check. Transgender madness? Check. Normalization of Pedophilia?... [ _ ] German whorehouses are not what they're, er, cracked up to be and the feminazis have sown the wind and are reaping the whirlwind.
Lastly: 39 years ago... "Do you believe in miracles?! YES!!"
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue. Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
- Iowa Looks to Punish Businesses Hiring Illegals After Mollie Tibbetts' Death (this X infinity - jjs)
- California: 3-Time Deported Illegal Alien Accused of Trying to Kill Police Officer
- DHS Secretary Nielsen: Central America, Mexico Agree to Cooperate to Confront "Irregular Migration," Migrant Caravans
- 30-Foot Border Wall Project Begins In California (is that 30-feet high or long? - jjs)
- The Money We Spend on Noise Barriers for Rich Suburbanites Could Pay for Trump's Wall (Hillary's bar tab alone could build high speed rail - jjs)
- Rahm Emanuel: National Media and Politicians Rushed to Judgement on Smollett (tell that to Kavanaugh and Sandmann, jagoff - jjs)
- Fake Noose
- Kamala-Toe Harris Meets With Sharptone, Ignores Questions About Smollett Case
- Toto: Celebrities Make Smollett's Arrest All About Trump
- Former Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke Not Buying Salary Motive: Smollett "Was on a Political Mission for the Left"
- The Sad Reality of Why Jussie Galore Will Likely Skate
- Another One? San Francisco Man Says MAGA Supporter Vandalized Property
- The Epidemic Of Anti-Jewish Hate Crimes In Brooklyn Is No Hoax
- Democrat Privilege: Governor Coonman and AG Poonman Likely to Surive Blackface, Sexual Assault Scandals (infanticide is not a scandal - jjs)
- FBI Officials Wanted To Charge Hillary Clinton... Turns Out, They Should Have
- Greenfield: Dems Nuked the Filibuster to Confirm Mel Watt... Who Then Turned to Sexual Harassment (not a smidgen of corruption - jjs)
- Trump's Chances to Win in 2020 Improve with Every News Cycle
- Fauxca-Has-Been Warren: My "Ultra-Millionaires Tax" Is a "Big Down Payment on a Green New Deal" (it's a floor polish AND a dessert topping! - jjs)
- Flashback: Bernardo Sandersnista Describes Wanting to "Puke" When He Heard JFK Get Tough on Castro
- Donkey Chompers Ocasio-Cortez Tries Defending Herself From "Wack" Billboard, Fails
- Report: Beta Beto O'Rourke Is Prepared to Be Biden's Veep and He May Have Already Been Offered the Job
- Kamala-Toe Harris Praises "Incredible" Black Lives Matter... But Feeling Isn't Mutual
- Nazi Collaborator Soros-Backed Priorities USA to Invest $100 Million in 4 Swing States Ahead of 2020 (RICO-RICO-RICO! deport-deport-deport! - jjs)
- With Bread Line Bernie Rising, Expect Michelle-Mentum
- Palsi Pelosi Urges Members to Sign Resolution to Terminate Trump's Emergency Declaration (this is what's referred to in the trade as "unconstitutional" - jjs)
- Palsi Pelosi's Threatened Use of Democrat President's State of Emergency to Quiet the Right is a Nonstarter
- When Congress Turned On to Globalism
- NYC Dem Public Advocate Candidates Slam DeBolshevik's Tenure as Mayor, Don't Think He Should Run for President
- Black: The Greatest Constitutional Crisis Since the Civil War
- 6 Takeaways From Andrew McCabe's Double-Dealing 60 Minutes Interview
- Flashback: Comey's FBI Embraced American ISIS Terrorist, Helped Him Get DoJ Job
- Distinguishing Abortion From Infanticide
- Holding Abortionists Accountable
- Journalists Alarmed by Justice Thomas' Call to Reconsider First Amendment Ruling (it shields hacks from consequences of libelous reportage - jjs)
- Levin: Freedom of the Press Is Not Freedom to Libel
- Leftist Rag NY Daily News Bypasses Democrats, Endorses Republican for Big City Position After Amazon Disaster
- Sacramento Attacks the Sacraments
- The New York Times' Islamic Flimflam Man
- Holy Leapin' Lizards, Batman! Jews from Another Planet!
- The Other McCain: Another Dot on the "Hate Map"
- A Prayer and a Pistol Keep 79-Year-Old Woman Safe From Home Intruder
- Maduro Closes Venezuela's Borders to Prevent Aid From Flowing In (how do you say "holodomar" in Venezuelian? - jjs)
- Report: Daughter of NorK Ambassador to Italy Abducted, Returned to Pyongyang
- Defiant Turk Turdogon to Go Ahead with Buying Russian Missile System, Despite US Opposition
- Scandal Involving Canuck PM Turdeau Linked to Libya (scratch a little deeper and I bet to Clinton and Obama too - jjs)
- Iran Claims Infiltration of US Command Center, Commandeers Drones
- A Tale of Two Defectors (more like traitors - jjs)
- Water-Is-Wet Dept.: Terror Front Group CAIR Lobbies for ISIS Bride to Return to US
- Palestinian "Moderate" Official Reportedly Compares Palestinian Refugee Camps to Nazi Death Camps (wait, I thought the Holocaust was a hoax - jjs)
- "Anti-Crime" Groups Legitimize a Notorious Anti-Semite's Jew-Hate
- In Memory of Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner, Murdered 50 Years Ago in Jerusalem Supermarket Bombing (today's Democrats passing out candy - jjs)
- The Real Problem with the Blue-State Model: Not Just High Taxes But Lousy Services Too
- US Oil Output Hitting 12 Million Barrel-a-Day Mark Way Ahead of Schedule
- Nike Stocks Skid After Star Blows Through Sneaker In Big College Game
- Donkey Chompers Ocasio-Cortez Has a Serious Billionaire Problem
- Judge Rules Federal Prosecutors Broke Law Making Plea Deal With Clinton BFF/Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and Not Informing Victims
- Confronting Government's Revenue Addiction (on civil forfeiture laws - jjs)
- Parents Sue to Fight Anti-White, Anti-Male, Anti-Christian Communist Indoctrination in California
- The Pedophile Project: Your 7-Year-Old Is Next On the Sexual Revolution's Hit Parade (Bob Menendez, zombie-Mohammed just popped boners - jjs)
- FemiNazis Screaming About "Transgenderism," Their Own Demon Child (reaping the whirlwind, girls - jjs)
- The Biggest Little Whorehouse in Germany
- That Other Time Bernie Wanted to Puke: Today Is the 39th Anniversary of the Miracle On Ice