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February 21, 2019
Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris Back Reparations for Blacks
Meanwhile, the NeverTrumpers scheme about how to put a Democrat in the White House. To teach us a lesson.
(That lesson is, "Never trust us nor ally yourselves with us ever again." A lesson we've already fully internalized, Ladies.)
From the very first day of the 2020 presidential race, when Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts blamed "generations of discrimination" for black families earning far less than white households, Democratic hopefuls have broadly emphasized racial justice and closing the wealth gap in their policy platforms.
But in recent weeks, some candidates have started embracing specific goals and overtly race-conscious legislation that even the most left-wing elected officials stayed away from in recent years.
Last week, Senator Kamala Harris of California agreed with a radio host's recent suggestion that government reparations for black Americans were necessary to address the legacies of slavery and discrimination. Ms. Harris later affirmed that support in a statement to The Times.
"We have to be honest that people in this country do not start from the same place or have access to the same opportunities," she said. "I'm serious about taking an approach that would change policies and structures and make real investments in black communities."
Ms. Warren also said she supported reparations for black Americans impacted by slavery -- a policy that experts say could cost several trillion dollars, and one that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and many top Democrats have not supported.
Isn't that something.
Coming Next: The NeverTrumpers and cucks propose a "moderate, incrementalist, market-based plan for reparations."
posted by Ace of Spades at
03:10 PM
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