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Update on Justice4Jussie »
February 20, 2019
Justice4Jussie Coming Even Faster Now
Videotape of the Nigerian brothers buying the clothesline for the "noose," which they say they were directed to do by Smollett.
Video below.
This probably isn't going to endear him to police any: Smollett previously gave a false name to police at a DUI stop in 2007.
Empire star Jussie Smollett, who seems to have orchestrated a hate hoax in Chicago, has a history of lying to the police. The Los Angeles City Attorney's Office said Smollett lied to police by giving a false name during a 2007 DUI stop.
"The Los Angeles City Attorney's Office said that Smollett gave police a false name during a DUI stop; this more than a decade ago," CNN's Jim Sciutto said on air Wednesday morning.
It's going to be hard for the soyboys to virtue signal that Smolllett doesn't need to be punished because he's already (somehow) been punished enough and has learned his lesson when this is actually his second false police reporting, but I'm sure they'll be on twitter virtue signaling anyway.
Breaking news Charges filed against Justice4Jussie.
Kamala Harris, Spartacus and T-Bone all pretty damn quiet. [Mis. Hum.]

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:00 PM
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