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February 20, 2019
Enemy Media Creates Yet Another "Conservatives Outraged" Hoax: Now We're Supposed to Be Outraged About Malia Obama Drinking Wine
I hadn't even heard of this story until last night when I read that I was outraged by it, despite not even knowing about it.
I do find one thing outrageous about this story (now that I know about it): Media behavior. The media covered the Bush Twins' drinking of margaritas at a Tex-Mex restaurant (ratted out by a leftist employee) as a Matter of Grave National Concern. It even made the evening news!
But this? Not only is not covered by the media, but the media goes into emotional spirals shrieking about how one shouldn't be concerned by this.
Fine: You convinced me, media. I'm not concerned about this.
So now just explain to me why you had so many Concerns about the Bush Twins having a margarita when they were 20 years old.
Oh, and then explain why you're lying about conservatives being "outraged" by Malia Obama drinking wine, while actually pointing to zero point zero conservatives expressing any outrage -- or any feeling whatsoever -- about it.
As many people point out: The media just did this when it claimed conservatives were "outraged" by a video of Alexandria Donkey-Chompers doing her Breakfast Club Evita dance. None were. But they claimed otherwise, because Lies = Clicks.
And they're doing it again.
Noted CNN Conservative Ana Navarro says a lot of people are "hating on" Malia about this (I love it when fat abuelas try to sound young), but names and quotes exactly zero people saying anything negative about it.
But you'll just have to take her word for that.
When has she ever lied about conservatives before?

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:58 PM
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