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February 18, 2019
The Morning Rant

"With Jussie Smollett's story of being mugged by MAGA racists falling apart faster than whatever's left of Bill Kristol's mind, the usual MSM outlets are new hilariously trying to walk back all of their crap reporting by trying to deflect the discussion to 'the larger picture' or 'the overall context', which, when translated into normal speech, means, 'screw the facts, Trump is still to blame.' It's like they pulled out their own version of the Otter Defense and are now triumphantly marching out of the room in single file, with their noses pointed piously skyward. Bunch of sanctimonious bastards. I just can't wait until Nick Sandmann's lawsuit hits the fan. I want to see these media hacks writhing in pain as they are forced to deliver on-the-air apologies, or their employers are forced to settle for huge sums of money."
Fake Hate Crimes! Get Your Fake Hate Crimes Right Here:
This thread is actually an impressive compendium of fake "Trump is responsible" hate crimes. There have been rather a lot.
Doing Jobs That Americans Just Won't Do:

Apparently, the demand for hate crimes is exceeding the supply.
Alexandria Donkey-Chompers Is Working Hard For the Working Man:
"It'll Work This Time - Trust Us"
Hard-hitting Journalism From CNN:
Here's A Different Kind of Cougar Than Last Friday's:
(click for englarged cougar)
Grammie Winger Made Me Post This:
Friday's celebrities: Sophie Marceau and Ryan Gosling.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Grilled Cheese And Bacon Sandwiches:

(h/t, as usual, to
Food Porn on Twitter)

posted by OregonMuse at
11:15 AM
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