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February 21, 2019
The Morning Rant: J.V. Edition
Admiral Painter was correct, but these fools have no idea what they are bringing down upon their heads. I wonder whether these intense but ignorant folks at "Out" know what Mao (or for that matter any totalitarian regime) did with homosexuals in China? The idea that President Trump is in any way antagonistic towards homosexuality is idiotic, easily refuted by facts. Yet they are so rabidly AntiTrump that they willfully ignore reality in service to their masters...the deep state, the Left, and every other lunatic-fringe organization dedicated to totalitarianism. Because that's what the alternative is...
Yeats knew what was happening too:
The darkness drops again but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
My coreligionists (cultural, not religious) may be even stupider. Any Jew who supports Ilhan Omar is a self-hating fool who is actively subverting the concept of freedom of religion, of speech, of association. A cursory examination of her oft-stated beliefs will yield a chilling reminder that she is the spawn of a vile and despicable political philosophy, and the 21st century version of Nazism. She wants us dead, and no massaging of the facts can hide that.
So a gay rights magazine supports Iran's homophobic theocracy.
And a Jewish magazine supports an explicit anti-Semite.
Because they hate Trump more than they love their own lifelong causes.
Amazing how politics trumps everything. I guess these fools believe in the perfectibility of Man, and believe that the explicit goals of the Iranian regime and the Jew-haters that Ilhan Omar embraces really aren't serious, and it's just rhetoric. Once they take power everything will be fine; they will moderate their behavior and everyone will live in peace and harmony because ORANGEMANBAD!
I am not particularly impressed by James Baldwin; his work is a bit overwrought and, frankly, not all that well written. I'll take Richard Wright any day. But his perspective on being Black in mid-20th century America has value, and the quotation in question has real merit.
How a Dispute Over the N-Word Became a Dispiriting Farce
A series of dismaying events has transpired at Augsburg University, in Minneapolis. According to several undisputed news reports, it began in October, when a student read a sentence in class from James Baldwin’s The Fire Next Time: "You can only be destroyed by believing that you really are what the white world calls a nigger."
Airing the N-word caused a commotion. The professor leading the class, Philip Adamo, asked the students if they felt it was appropriate to voice the word Baldwin had written. In doing so, Adamo repeated the word. Later, he sent to the class two essays on the politics of the N-word. The next day, some students asked Adamo to leave the classroom while they discussed the lingering controversy. They were joined by other students who were not enrolled in the course. He complied with their request. Later, after a flurry of emails in which Adamo continued to try to explain himself, the university removed him from the course. He has since been suspended, pending the outcome of a formal review.
The Left consuming itself is always a good thing, but their censorship rapidly bleeds into polite society. What's next: banning Joseph Conrad's "The Nigger Of The Narcissus?"
But what is even more troubling is the ceding of power in the lecture hall to the mob. It happened in the 1960s, and it is happening again, with equally disastrous results.
Duke's Zion Williamson blows out his shoe, injures knee, and Nike gasps in horror
Duke University forward Zion Williamson, the top college basketball player in the nation and one of the best NBA prospects in the past decade, was lost to a knee injury just seconds into a key game against North Carolina when his foot slid on the floor and his Nike-made shoe exploded, twisting his knee and sending him sprawling.
I'll bet the meetings at Nike this morning are entertaining!
Weasel's Gun Thread has motivated me to start reloading.
This my first attempt.
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posted by CBD at
11:00 AM
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