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February 14, 2019
The Morning Report - 2/14/19
Good morning kids. It's Valentine's day so be sure to send Justice Sotomayor the 5 pound Whizzo Quality Assortment. Before we get into it, thanks to CBD for filling in on the fly. My WiFi access got knocked out Tuesday and I took a tumble on an icy street but all is back to semi-normalcy so here we go.
First up, once again Border Security and Immigration top the news as with yet another government shutdown looming for tomorrow, the President is mulling the latest deal. My gut is telling me that while this is still a complete insult vis a vis the rounding error that funds the Border Wall, the President is correct in stating that construction has already begun since money allocated during both the Obama and Bush administrations is already being used for that purpose. Plus, there is nothing, aside from political backlash on both sides of the aisle as well as the guaranteed instantaneous court orders from Buch M. Danno and Tyne E. Bubbles stopping the President from declaring a national emergency and drawing on funding from elsewhere (DoD primarily) to get this thing ramped up, all the while avoiding the kabuki theatre of a government shutdown. It should be noted that while the sum he would be getting is even less than the insult offered the last time around, both Cuck Schemer and Palsi Pelosi were adamant that the President would never get a penny for what they decried as "immoral." Naturally the media will not report the truth of their caving. I say, sign the deal, take the money and declare the emergency. Some think, and rightly so, that this sets an incredibly dangerous precedent since a future Democrat president (and sadly that is bound to happen one of these days) will use that as a precedent to declare a national emergency over "climate change" or gun violence or you name it as a pretext to grab power and subvert the Constitution like never before. The cold hard truth is that since Obama and perhaps even earlier, we live in a land where one political party no longer believes in the legitimacy of the political and governmental system that in theory is supposed to bind us together and in fact the legitimacy of the nation itself. Whether Trump declares an emergency - as is within his legal right to do so - is irrelevant. The Democrats are going to do their worst no matter what, so I dread the coming of the next Obama or Hillary like death itself because it's inevitable. And at that point, all bets will be off.
On the granular level, Breitbart is fretting about the President's seeming openness to expand legal immigration despite the negative effects to American born labor, and IBD speculates on whether the money from California's high speed rail fiasco can be diverted to fund the wall.
Also, Although Virginia's Governor Coonman is probably going to skate over blackface he wore 30 years ago as well as his enthusiasm for the Josef Mengele method of obstetrics, AG Mark Herring's adolescent Eddie Cantor tribute hasn't dinged him in the slightest, Lt. Governor Fairfax is not in the clear by a long stretch. Blame Trumpian racism, of course.
Other Democrat Scandals include the continuing eruption of Democrat Party Jew Hatred in the form of freshman Congressconcubine Ilhan "Bro-Fo" Omar. In response to the emanations from her filthy sewer, the House GOP succeeded in unanimously passing a rare motion-to-commit amendment condemning anti-Semitism. Also, fresh on the heels of her tirade against AIPAC and Sheldon Adelson, the incest aficionado and immigration fraudster smeared Eliot Abrams during a Venezuela hearing then jetted off to LA for a fundraiser... with the terrorism-linked front group CAIR. And yet fellow traveler Andre Carson assures us that the Jewish community is totes cool with her. Feh. Not only should Omar be immediately removed from the Foreign Relations Committee and have any and all security clearances revoked, she should be removed office and really deported back to Somalia since she defrauded the immigration system vis a vis her brother/husband/keeper.
In the midst of this, there's other meshugas to report, such as why has the FEC yet to investigate the $84 million money laundering scam of the Clinton Foundation, dweeb Jamie Raskin was all high and mighty with Matthew Whitaker about internet gambling which is funny because he took campaign donations from that industry, Palsi Pelosi oddly silent about that "speedy" investigation into California Democrat and co-ed molester Tony Cardenas and freshman California Congressgoniff T.J. Cox has some shady financial dealings coming to light.
Civil War 2.0: The Covington MAGA hat Catholic students have been completely cleared of any wrongdoing at the March for Life rally.
Politics: Kamala-Toe Harris gets slammed for misleading statements about taxes, baby-killer "Cui-Bono" Cuomo met with the President to discuss tax policy, specifically how the killing of the SaLT deduction is causing blue state taxpayers to flee to red states. Funny how what he considers as hurtful to blue states which he has the gall to call "redistributionist" is in fact real economic justice. Being able to deduct Federal taxes from state returns effectively means forcing the rest of the nation to pay for Blue State profligacy and other madness. Here's a hint, Cuomo; cut taxes in state, as well as bureaucratic red tape that stifles business creation and growth by slashing the spending and social programs. Also, Victor Davis Hanson dissects the long and sordid career of Joey Bidet, Daniel Greenfield puts Kamala-Toe under the microscope, Kevin McCarthy is a phony Cuck-Shed stooge, champion of the poor Ocasio-TacoRosado just moved into very swanky DC Navy Yard digs and remains silent about whether or not Palsi Pelosi should reveal her tax returns, and several good philosophical essays on the Trump-induced self-destruction of the Democrat-Left including one that likens Trump's SOTU as the perfect rebuttal to FDR's from 1944. Worth a read.
Abortion: A Kansas OB-GYN calls New York's infanticide law dangerous to the life of the mother.
First Amendment, Fake News Fakery, Censorship: "Bro-Fo" Omar goes off on, of all people, a CNN reporter who dared question her about her Heeb heebie-jeebies, Twitter is being less than honest about it's "learn to code" policy, LA City Council practices discrimination against those who support the second amendment, political/speech discrimination lawsuit by an ex-Southwest flight attendant agains the airline will go forward, Daniel Greenfield on the hypocrisy of Bezos, and Indonesia forces Instagram to axe a homosexual Muslim cartoon.
Guns: Fresh off blackface, infanticide, income confiscation and mass ludditism, the Democrats are going to push a national gun database as the 2020 deal-clincher, and on the one year anniversary of the Parkland mass shooting, teachers at the school mull being armed.
Mueller Inquisition News: Obama hack-in-black Amy Berman Jackson revokes Paul Manafort deal because she claims he lied as pimp-spawn Maizie Hirohito gloats, and get set for the Democrat-Left-Media complex to hammer away at Mueller when he either releases nothing or a nothing-burger of a report the debunks the Colluzhnikov myth.
Foreign Desk: First up, and most alarmingly, is the news that a former US counterintelligence agent is on the lam, presumably in Iran, and is wanted for spying on us for that nation. No wonder; she turned traitor after converting to Islam. Also, the President is going pedal to the metal to cripple Iranian oil exports as a means to bring the regime down. Elsewhere, Trump slams Maduro for blocking humanitarian aid to the people he is trying to suppress, and Bibi Netanyahu reports having an excellent meeting with the foreign minister of Oman.
We-All-Slam-For-Islam: More on Dearbornistan's whitewashing of Islamic intolerance and the GOP governor of Massachusetts is not immune to siren song of Taqqiya Sunrise.
Domestic News: The President wants the billions back from California after Governor Gaping Nuisance killed he project, to which he replied by giving the President the rhetorical middle finger, Amazon doubles its profits and paid zero in taxes for the second year in a row... with this one neat trick (cronyism)! That said, Texas set an all-time oil production high in 2018, the middle class revival is real, Panera Bread dabbles in socialism and fails miserably, and record tax collection does nothing to ease the rising debt.
Crime Blotter: A man is caught for a food poisoning/tampering spree and why community policing works, which is why De Bolshevik et al want to kill it.
Healthcare: Two essays on how to improve and reform healthcare and insurance.
Education: Senate GOP education effort gets an "F," and NYC's schools are a glittering jewel of socialist madness.
Red Greens: Utah Rep Rob Bishop hammers Patagonia for their sham environmentalism stance, and the Luddites love New York, mostly for the courts.
Feminazism, Transgender Pyschosis: Gay mafia activists want judges to kidnap children from parents who refuse to mutilate them, and yes there is a homosexual mafia but you best not call them, er, out on it.
Hither and Yon: SJWs go nuts when Esquire features a white kid during Black Histrionics Month, Christian Toto on Adam Carolla not caving to the blackface blackguards, Humberto Fontova slams Debbie Harry for being a political ignoramus, the Left-Islamic hatred of St. Valentine's day and finally, the Mars rover finally fails after 15 years. Amazing since it was not expected to last more than several months.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
- An Incomplete Compromise Border Deal: Will President Trump Accept and Fill In the Gaps On His Own?
- Trump's Hint to Increase Legal Immigration, Automation Dooms American Workers
- Trump Should Take Democrats' Wall Deal and Run With It
- Could California's Doomed Bullet Train Fund Trump's Border Wall?
- Boston's Top Prosecutor Ready to Investigate Sexual Assault Allegations Against Fairfax
- FEC Still Refuses To Investigate Alleged $84 Million Clinton Campaign Money Laundering
- Republicans Unanimously Move Amendment Against Anti-Semitism Thru House
- Money In Politics? "Bro-Fo" Omar Will Fly to LA for Fundraiser... With Terror-Tied CAIR
- US Envoy Eliot Abrams Accuses "Bro-Fo" Omar of Personal Attacks During Venezuela Hearing
- Muslim Rep Andre Carson: "Bro-Fo" Omar Not Anti-Semitic: "She Has Strong Support from the Jewish Community" (mostly from its cemeteries - jjs)
- Dem Who Grilled Whitaker on Gambling Backed by Lobbyists Tied to Internet Gambling
- So Where Is Palsi Pelosi's "Speedy" Teen-Molestation Investigation of Rep Tony Cardenas?
- Audit Raises Tough Questions for Freshman California Democrat T.J. Cox
- "Donkey Chompers" Cortez Living in Luxury Navy Yard Apartment Building
- Investigation Clears Covington Catholic School Students, "No Evidence of Offensive or Racist Statements"
- Fact-Checker Slams Kamala-Toe Harris for "Nonsensical and Misleading" Tax Claim
- Baby-Killer Cuomo Meets Trump, Argues Against "Redistribution on Steroids" Hurting Blue States (it's reimbursement, you schifozza - jjs)
- V.D. Hanson: The Mythologies of "Joe Being Joe" Biden
- Greenfield: Kamala-Toe Harris' Political Blackface Routine
- Kevin "Charlie" McCarthy Feeds GOP Donors Horse Manure About 2018 Losses; Blames Conservatives
- Ocasio-TacoRosado Won't Say Whether Palsi Pelosi Should Be Required to Release Her Tax Returns
- Reject the Democrats' High Taxes
- The Democrats' Dangerous Gong Show
- Our Moderates, Their Leninists: The Useful Idiocy of "Cautious Conservatives"
- Leftism Is Like the Cult of Cthulhu
- The Left Has Ensured That This Will Never Be a Socialist Country
- A State of the Union 75 Years in the Making: Trump Answers FDR
- Kansas OB-GYN on Dangers of NYC Late-Term Abortion Law: "Moms Are Going to Die From This Procedure"
- "Bro-Fo" Omar Explodes At CNN Reporter: "What Is Wrong With You?"
- Twitter's Statements About "Learn To Code" Don't Line Up With Its Actions
- LA City Council: If You Have a Contract With Us, Tell Us Your Ties to the NRA
- Court Denies Bid to Toss Southwest Discrimination Suit; Ex-Flight Attendant Claims She Was Fired for Criticizing Union, Airline's Abortion Stance
- Greenfield: The Incredible Hypocrisy of Jeff Bezos
- Instagram Deletes Gay Muslim Comic Strip After Indonesia Protests
- Dems Express Openness to Federal Gun Registry (actual Americans, not so much - jjs)
- Blame It on the NRA
- One Year After Parkland Shooting, School's Educators Weigh In on Armed Teachers
- Manafort Plea Deal Out the Window After Judge Rules He Lied to FBI, Mueller, Grand Jury
- Maizie Hirohito: "Grifter" Manafort "Must Have Something Very Major to Hide" (says the spawn of a whorehouse madam - jjs)
- Robert Mueller Scheduled For Democrats' "2 Minutes Of Hate"
- Trump Warns Maduro to Stop Blocking Humanitarian Aid
- Trump Administration Vows to Cripple Iranian Oil Industry (marg bar Farsi schmaltz - jjs)
- Netanyahu Praises "Excellent Meeting" With Omani Foreign Minister
- Former US Counterintelligence Agent Indicted on Charges of Spying for Iran
- Former Air Force Intelligence Officer Accused of Defecting to Iran, Says She Wanted to Do "Like Snowden"
- Dearborn-istan Beats Its Breast Over Henry Ford's Anti-Semitism, Ignores Islam
- GOP Governor Embraces Radical Muslim Cleric Who Somehow Makes Westboro Baptist Look Acceptable
- Trump Demands Gavin Newsom Return $3.5 Billion for Canceled Bullet Train; Newsom: It's "California's Money" Now
- If High-Speed Rail Can't Make It in California, It Can't Make It Anywhere
- Manufacturing Wage Growth Hits Highest Level in Over a Decade
- Amazon Will Pay $0 In Federal Income Taxes For 2nd Year in a Row With Profits Doubled
- Texas Set An All-Time High For Oil Production In 2018
- Someone Just Noticed The Middle-Class Revival Going On Under Trump
- Panera Bread's Socialist "Pay What You Want" Experiment Fails Miserably
- $1,665,484,000,000: Feds Collect Record Individual Income Taxes in Calendar 2018... as Debt Climbed $1,481,349,159,596.80
- Man Accused of Multi-State Spree Contaminating Grocery Items
- Community Policing, Rightly Understood
- Innovative Treatments May Require Equally Innovative Health Care Payment Models
- How the Trump Administration can Improve Health Care Coverage
- Senate GOP's Higher Ed Agenda Leaves Much to Be Desired
- Diversity First - Education, Whenever
- GOP Rep Rob Bishop Calls Out Patagonia For "Crony Capitalism"; Says It Is a "Play-Actor" For Environmentalism
- An Amendment to Turn the State Into "Sue" York
- Mars Rover's "Little Robot Heart" Stops Beating as She Bids Farewell to Earthlings
- LGBT Activists Teaching Judges to Yank Kids From Parents Who Won't Transgender Them
- The Homosexual Mafia Strikes Again
- Social Media Mob: How Dare Esquire Feature a White Teen Boy During Black History Month
- Toto: Carolla Stands Up to "Woke" Blackface Bullies"
- Fontova: Blondie's Debbie Harry Calls President Trump "An Idiot" But Swoons Over Fidel Castro and Che Guevara
- Why Islamists and the Radical Left Hate Valentine's Day