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February 13, 2019
AP: Republicans Pounce... By Scheduling a Vote for the Green New Dream (or Whatever) Legislation Democrats Claim to Want to Pass Into Law...?
The Democrats say they want to pass the "Green New Dream (or whatever)" into law. Every Democrat Senator running for President has said so -- or at least said they'd vote for it.
So, given that legislation is not just supposed to be a campaign stunt but an actual practical code you intend to make into actual law, Mitch McConnell has announced he will schedule a vote on the "Green New Dream (or whatever)" bill and give Democrats the chance to express their support as actual legislators rather than as mere MSNBC/CNN bloviators.
I mean, yes, it's a nonbinding resolution, but do they want this resolution resolved, or not?
The reaction from Democrats has been vehement.
The only people more outraged by this underhanded stratagem of calling for a vote on a proposed resolution are... the neutral and objective fact-finders of the media.
This is a real AP headline, fam:
McConnell wields Green New Deal as bludgeon against Dems
When pouncing and seizing aren't expressive enough -- turn to "bludgeon" as your loaded term of choice.
Meanwhile, Congressman Ed Markey, the same Democrat who co-sponsored and jointly announced the "New Green Dream (or whatever)" with Alexandria Donkey-Chompers, now claims that scheduling a vote on it is a "Republican trick" which will "sabotage" the effort to have a "national conversation."
Um: You know what's usually a great time for a national conversation, Dummy? When Congress is preparing to vote on a piece of transformative socialist legislation.
Or did you not actually want that at all?

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:09 PM
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