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February 13, 2019
Highest Economic Optimism in 16 Years; 50% Report They're Better Off Under Trump
That's 50% who are willing to admit they're better off under Trump. In fact, 100% are.
Public optimism in their personal economy has hit a 16-year high under President Trump, according to a new survey.
Some 69 percent told Gallup that they expect their personal finances to be even better next year, just shy of the record 71 percent when the internet boom was raging under former President Bill Clinton.
What's more, the survey company said that 50 percent believe they are "better off" than just a year ago when the current economic surge was kicking in and when the White House coined the phrase "MAGAnomics."
Gallup said that is the first time the level has reach 50 percent since 2007.
But Gorsuch.

posted by Ace of Spades at
03:02 PM
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