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February 12, 2019
The Morning Report - 2/12/19
Good morning kids. Tuesday and really no new developments in the Virginia Democrat leadership scandals other than to say that the media has engineered its Jimmy Swaggart apologia for Governor "Coonman" Northam while AG Mark Herring's being Jolson-curious in his youth has dropped totally off the radar. That said, the only action is staffers for Lt. Governor "Poonman" Fairfax are jumping ship in anticipation of his being given the chop. Also, but not linked, the second woman to accuse him of sexual assault has also accused an NBA player of rape while he was plying for Duke U. And lest we forget that all of this got started because of the Governor supporting to the hilt state sanctioned infanticide. Disgusting.
Next up we have the continuing flap over Democrat Rep Ilhan "Bro-Fo" Omar's vile, unreconstructed anti-Semitic statements and her even more disastrous non-apology apology that even the Democrats could not provide cover for. But not to fear because Linda Sarsour, the Hamas Louse, naturally has rushed to her defense as well as noted humanitarian David Duke. Yeah, that David Duke who is always trotted out as a Republican whenever racial arson (rhymes with Rachel Carson) is required to muddle an issue and paint conservatives as Klansmen. There are calls for her to be removed from her position on the House Foreign Relations Committee an given her, to be charitable, antipathy to the State of Israel which goes hand in hand with antipathy to the United States, her access to sensitive documents is insane. That said, no way Palsi Pelosi removes her. A) woman, and a Muslim one at that, B) the Maoist wing of the party would go apeshit, and C) as one of the links states, don't be fooled by the official Democrat line of condemnation. They are fully on board the anti-Israel train. Meanwhile, it's come to light that surprise-surprise! her fellow travel Rancida T-Labia once wrote a column(s) for the Nation of Islam's house organ. Other than that, we have by comparison a yawner of a story involving a Sanders and Breakfast Club Evita ally in Kansas being arrested yet again for driving without a license. Imagine the banner headline for weeks had he been a Republican.
And then there's Border Security and Immigration. With the prospect of another government shutdown looming on Friday IIRC, it looks as if a bipartisan (yay!) deal has been struck that keeps the government open and secures the border. Wait, did I say "secures the border?" I mean to say fist-f**ks America in the ass all the way up to the elbow. What I think the President will do, that is should do, is take the deal, shift money as he is allowed to do from what I understand from the DoD and declare a national emergency, the courts be damned though damn him they will try mightily to do. In any case, his approval number is at 52% after the SOTU, the Green 5-Year Plan and most tellingly after the last shutdown. And while you're at it, Mr. President, if Hawaiian Judges Buch M. Danno and Tyne E. Bubbles order you to stop, tell them to screw. It is way past time to cut the damn rogue judiciary down to size.
Elsewhere, Gavin Newsom and this New Mexico Grisham dame are all but inviting the invasion, ICE has warned of an army of criminals will hit us if the Dems get their way and at his El Paso rally, the President firmly proclaimed ICE will never be abolished. More on that in a bit.
Circling back, yes as the Virginia scandal settles down survivors of abortion who lived and grew up to tell the tale stand by the unborn and now the newborn to oppose state sanctioned infanticide and a call for a law to deliver alive babies slated for execution upon delivery.
Civil War 2.0: Is it surprising that this "Antifa" cancer who allegedly took part in assaulting two Marines is a go-to Democrat activist? Not to me.
Politics: Yes, OrangeManBad held a huge rally in El Paso as did "Irish" O'Rourke, whom the President mocked as only he could as well as delivering juicy red meat to the adoring throngs of supporters. And check out what dreamy Bobby was doing in high school. Just beautiful, man Also, Kamala-Toe was all in favor of ICE cracking down on illegal juvies but that was back in 2008 which is like hundreds of years ago on the Tommy Vietor scale of time measurement, turns out that voter IDS don't prevent people from voting (except corpses and foreigners), a few essays examining the disastrous Democrat field for 2020, what the Howard Schultz candidacy reveals about the Left, and Rabbi Fischer ponders the what-if of Trump knowing what he was dealing with when he was sworn in.
First Amendment, Fake News and Censorship: Hidden camera reveals the true nature of a BBC reporter, Twitter's Jack Dorsey now openly endorsing bias and censorship, and the WaPo fact-checker runs interference for Donkey Chompers Cortez by ripping Trump.
Guns: Steve Scalise gets Nadler-ed.
Foreign Desk: UN Secretary General naturally slaps us in the face and meets with thug Maduro, Richard Fernandez on what's to be done in Venezuela, Trump rips Iran on its 40th anniversary and also the utter failure of its Democrat-Leftist education system, we need to get the hell out of Syria and Afghanistan and two interesting essays on Germany and the German psyche in light of internal and external affairs.
Defense and Intel: A Chinese national is going to prison for spying on a sensitive American communications facility, and a critical look at our military preparedness or lack thereof vis a vis recent doings in Africa.
Domestic Affairs: It figures that an anti-American theater in San Francisco gets federal funding and a look at how Trump is winning the fight slowly but surely to reshape the Obama-era judiciary.
Crime Blotter: Jussie Smollet will release heavily redacted phone records to underscore the hoax he likely perpetrated and Daniel Greenfield on the ADL now outdoing the SPLC as frauds and Leftist shills when it comes to so-called "hate crimes."
Economic News: IBD on the upcoming US-China trade talks as BFD.
Healthcare: Will there really be an ObamaCare death spiral now that the individual mandate is gone?
Education: Now, Denver's teachers are out on strike.
Red-Greens: Trump likens the Green New Deal to a high school term paper. I think that that is way too charitable. Also, the notion of "justice" has nothing to do with that madness, like every other time that word is used in a Leftist policy.
Hither and Yon: Hungary wants more Magyars and has an offer parents can't refuse, Bryan Singer's remake of Red Sonja is shelved due to sexual assault allegations against him, a Seth Rogan sidekick apologizes to the SJW goon squad, and they're sleepless in DC. Cocaine, catamites and need to rob the treasury will do that, I guess.
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue. Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
- "Poonman" Fairfax Staffers Resign Amid Sexual Assault Allegations
- Ilhan "Bro-Fo" Omar Praises Dem Activist Who Labeled AIPAC "Central Pillar of the Occupation"
- Sarsour the Hamas Louse Defends "Bro-Fo" Omar's Jew-Hatred
- Calls For Democrat Leadership to Remove "Bro-Fo" Ilhan Omar From House Foreign Affairs Committee
- Spencer: "Bro-Fo" Omar's Non-Apology for Her Anti-Semitism
- Rancida T-Labia Wrote Column for Nation of Islam Propaganda Rag
- Democrats Tacitly Support Anti-Israel Movement While Pretending Not To
- Donkey Chompers Ocasio-Cortez and Bernardo Sandersnista's Favorite Kansas Politician Got Arrested... Again
- As Expected, Bipartisan Border Deal Is a Total Insult
- Such a Deal
- ICE: Democrats Will Cause Massive Release of Criminal Illegal Aliens If They Get Their Way
- New Mexico Governor Grisham is Allowing Foreign Invasion of Her State
- Gavin Nuisance Blasts Trump's Immigration Policy, Orders National Guard Out of Border
- Donkey Chompers Ocasio-Cortez: "Reconquistador!"
- Democrats Revealed Their True Open Border Stripes
- President Trump at El Paso Rally: I Will Never Abolish ICE
- Abortion Survivors to Democrats: We Are People and We Have a Right to Live
- All Babies Slated For Late-Term Abortion Should Instead Be Delivered Alive
- "Antifa" Terrorist Thug Arrested for Allegedly Taking Part in the Assault of 2 Marines Was a Go-To Democrat Activist
- Trump in El Paso: "We're Born Free, We Will Live Free and We Will Die Free"
- Trump Taunts O'Rourke: My Line Is Bigger Than Your "Tiny Little Line"
- In 2008, Kamala-Toe Harris Wanted Arrested Illegal Immigrant Juveniles Reported to ICE (that was like hundreds of years ago, dude - jjs)
- Kamala-Toe Harris Lawyer on the Board of Group Leading $30 Million Voting Effort for 2020
- Brazile: We Need "Some Reconciliation" for African-Americans in US; Follow South Africa Model (oh, shut up and go steal another primary - jjs)
- Beto Was "Robert O'Rourke" in High School, Won Award for "Imaginative Poetry"
- Moochelle's Grammys Buzz is a Reminder of the Mediocrity of the 2020 Democrat Field
- The Democrat Party's Inevitable "Never Trump" Moment
- Democrat Who Sought to Regulate Drudge Now Running to Represent Silicon Valley In California Senate
- Study Shows Voter ID Laws Do Not Stop People From Voting (just from voting more than once - jjs)
- Who's Afraid of Socialism?
- Democrats Serve Up Venti Cannibal-Lattes to Howard Schultz
- Rabbi Fischer: If Only Trump Had Known What He Did Not Yet Know About DC
- Twitter CEO: "I Don't Believe That We Can Afford to Take a Neutral Stance Anymore" (you never did - jjs)
- Top BBC Journalist Allegedly Likens Working Class Men to "Amazonia Cannibals" In Undercover Footage
- WaPo "Fact-Checker" Declines to Give "Donkey Chompers" Cortez Pinocchios After She Lies About Her Idiotic Green New Deal FAQ... But Dings Trump
- A New Mission for Steve Scalise?
- UN Chief Meets With Maduro Regime, Ignoring US Request to Deal Only With "Legitimate Guaido Government" (cut them off and boot them out - jjs)
- Fernandez: Venezuela and the Washington Clock
- Trump Calls Out Iranian Regime For Producing "40 Years Of Failure" On Revolution's 40th Anniversary
- A Cluster-F**k of American Proportions
- Affirmative Action Ruined Iran's Education System Too
- Ledeen: The New German Energy Program and Its Deep Historical Roots
- Anti-Americanism: As German as Apple Strudel
- Chi-Com National Sentenced to Prison for Spying on Florida Military Installation
- Shameful Scapegoating of Africa Failure Underscores Unchecked Pentagon Incompetence
- Federal Government Funds Frisco Theater Hosting "Not My F**king President" Event
- Trump Is Chipping Away at Obama's Remade Federal Courts
- 13 Days After Alleged Hate Crime Attack, Empire Star Jussie Smollett Hands Over "Limited and Redacted" Phone Records to Cops
- Greenfield: The ADL Can't Stop Faking Hate Crime Statistics
- US-China Trade Deal: Not Much At Stake, Except the Global Economy
- Why Repeal of the Individual Mandate Hasn't - Yet - Brought About ObamaCare''s Death Spiral
- Denver Teachers Go On Strike
- President Trump Rips Green New Deal: "A High School Term Paper"
- Phony "Justice" Through Phony Climate Policy
- Hungarian PM Offers Incentive to Women: Have 4 Kids and Never Pay Income Tax Again
- Bryan Singer Red Sonja Flick On Hold Amid Sexual Abuse Allegations
- Toto: Comic Actor Jonah Hill Apologizes for His "Superbad" Toxic Masculinity
- Washington DC is the "Undisputed Insomnia Capital of America"