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February 11, 2019
Ilhan Omar: Jew-Gold Is Dictating This Nation's Foreign Policy
PJ Media's Morning Briefing:
There is some serious rich, liberal Jewish coin funding the left and there is a fine line the anti-Semites in the Democrat Party have to walk. They need to signal just enough Jew-hating to keep their Jew-hating base/membership happy, but not too much where it frightens Jewish checkbooks to thinking that we Jews (yes, I am Jewish) are headed for the ovens again. Use your indoor voice for your anti-Semitism, not your outdoor voice. Rep. Omar is the Democrats' outdoor voice.
Omar's tweets below.
The media has been trying to brand the GOP as antisemitic for years while deliberately ignoring the actual institutionally-tolerated (or promoted!) antisemitism on the left. Omar and Tlaib make that more difficult for them (though I'm pretty sure our little corps of future coders is up to the challenge).
After a few years of trying to pain the GOP and Trump (?) as antisemitic, I thought it was perfect that Trump spent about fifteen total minutes in the State of the Union praising the liberation of the Dachau and condemning antisemitism. And I noticed, just like you noticed, that the media refuse to point their cameras at Omar, Tlaib, and Alexandria Donkey-Chompers during these passages.
Because they didn't want to show them scowling angrily at denunciations of antisemtism.

posted by Ace of Spades at
11:53 AM
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