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February 11, 2019
The Morning Rant

"The butterball powerbottoms in the MSM (and what a useful phrase that is, thanks, ace!) would have you believe that their hatred for President Trump is shared by everyone outside of our borders. Yes, everyone in the world hates him except for a few dozen gap-toothed mouth-breathers who voted for him and then managed to game the Electoral College (possibly with the collusion of some shady Russian interests) to get him elected. So the whole world is laughing at us and everybody thinks he's a clown. So they won't tell you about things such as the Viareggio Carnival in Italy which unironically featured a float with a yuuge 'God Emperor Trump' character from Warhammer 40K. Yes, there have been other puppet-head displays in foreign countries that have mocked him, particularly in Germany, as does pretty much every American president, yes, even Obama, but the reality is not as CNN presents it. I think the MSM is mainly projecting their own hatreds and fears onto the rest of the world. Watch the video below."
Another View:
More background on this festival here.
Communism By Another Name:
Who Dese:

(click for larger)One should be fairly easy to identify, the other two will be more difficult, particularly for those of us who aren't all that familiar with Italian cinema. The larger view is spectacular.
Who Dis:
(click for larger)One is obvious, the other perhaps not so much.
Friday's celebrities: B Bardot and Jack Nicholson.
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought By Donald Trump's Breakfast (His Stack Is Always Bigger Than Everyone Else's):

(h/t, as usual, to
Food Porn on Twitter)

posted by OregonMuse at
11:15 AM
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