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February 08, 2019

The Morning Report - 2/8/19


Good morning kids. Friday and (you guessed it) "what a week it's been!" As if the public implosion of the Virginia Democrat Party leadership over blackface, sexual assault and the Mengele-esque offhanded promotion of state-sanctioned infanticide weren't enough, we had them plus the national media and Party desperately attempting to spin or obfuscate or assign the blame to Trump and conservatives for all of these hideous sins. And the cherry on top of the 12-scoop Diet Coke float was the President's State of the Union speech that will go down as one of the best (the best!) ever given, in terms of tone, substance and the optics of forcing the Democrats in attendance to look like the total deranged fools that we here know them to be.

Starting from the top, right now, the state of play with the Dems in Virginia is batten down the hostaes and try to ride out the storm until the Media can provide cover with the next scandal, real or imagined that comes along, preferably one involving a Republican or Conservative. A plane disappearing due to climate change up Don Lemon's black hole would be ideal. Of course Palsi Pelosi's rattled her dentures with a statement that had some truth to it vis a vis the blackface not damaging her party's image. I rate that as true since her party's image and reputation is one of racists, terrorists and thieves with a tyrannical streak a mile wide. But of course, her party is also the party now of bust-out, in your face post-birth infanticide. Hmm. I thought that that a woman's right to choose was a pillar of their policy. Why the silence on that, Schmancy? As the other links illustrate, the Democrats are being hoisted on their own huge-ass petard of identity politics for all the world to see. Hopefully, its collective eyes are wide open to it.

The other big story of the day is Alexandria Ocasio-TacoRosado's - now officially to be referred to by one of Ace's best nicknames evah, Breakfast Club Evita - Green New Deal. All I can say is, my promise of eliminating homework when I ran for 4th grade class president at PS 152 was more reality-based and practical than this utter insanity. I'm less a fan of Ben Stein these days than I once was but he nailed it when he said "she doesn't know her ass from her elbow" on Cavuto's show. The bill, I think, is co-sponsored by the shambling bi-pedal fistula known as Ed Markey. And by the way, click HERE and HERE and check out both Mark Steyn and Dr. Judith Curry absolutely destroying this jagoff crooked mutt at a "climate change" hearing I believe related to the Paris Accords which President Trump thankfully got us the hell out of.

And as the Democrat 2020 presidential front runners and others quickly pile in to this electric klown kart destined for the giant Socialist cliff, Breakfast Club Evita made a giant whoopsie by first affirming that her plan was not a giant government takeover and then openly admitting it was less than an hour later. Well, you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs, or wind in her case. Most of the links to this are in the Red Green section with a couple scattered here and there that delve into other aspects that this madness touches upon.

Immigration and Amnesty naturally remain a key topic so first up, contrary to the President's remarks on increasing legal immigration, that has the negative effect of subjecting millions of Americans to foreign competition for their livelihoods, Matt Gaetz slaps around Cuomo the Lesser over illegal aliens and gun violence, Breakfast Club Evita is hot and horny to abolish/defund ICE, and two essays underscore how big beautiful walls throughout history have worked to secure nations from both invaders and diseases such as Los Angeles is now being plagued with.

And as the Media tries doing a Stepin Fetchit number in Virginia, the SCOTUS has blocked restrictions on abortion in Louisiana with Chief Justice Erring Crockovich now acknowledging his position as the new Anthony Kennedy; hell, the new Bader-Meinhoff since Kennedy was at least a 40-60 proposition. And yes, if there is any vestige of fealty to the Lord left in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, it must excommunicate Andrew "Cui-Bono" Cuomo. Where's Giovanni Savanarola when you really need him?

Civil War 2.0: I let this one slide with the events of the past few days but no more. To paraphrase Ben E. King, there is a dose, of clap, in Spanish Harlem that goes by the name of Nydia Velazquez, and it seems this unctuous puffer fish of a Democrat thug (BIRM) doesn't take kindly to legitimate criticism. In fact she threatened a black teen conservative for the mortal sin of not being able to identify her in a photo from the SOTU speech. And for that crime against humanity, she threatened that "you better be afraid of us." The shameless beast still has the remark up on Twitter. Meh, our speech is violence, their violence is speech. But on a more positive note, the lawyer for the Covington Catholic MAGA kids is hell bent to hit their persecutors where they live. Inshalla.

To politics we go where first in the Democrat police blotter, you want weird, I give you weird: the Madeira, Florida City Commissioner has been forced to resign for, uh, allegedly licking men's faces. Since there is no mention anywhere of her party affiliation it is axiomatic that it - and if you see the picture, "it" fits - is a Democrat, and NY Democrat Greg Meeks pushed a cool $60,000 in campaign funds to a company owned by a staffer's wife. Pure coincidence, nothing to see here, right? Well, the Meeks shall inherit the earth or something.

Elsewhere, fossilized tyrant John Dingell, the longest serving crook in Congress has finally joined the Choir Invisible at age 92. He "inherited" his seat from his father and then passed it on by royal decree to his spawn. And so it goes (*vomit*). Recall in a radio interview his letting the cat out of the bag about Obamacare being needed "to control the people." Condolences to Saint Peter for having to deal with whatever passes for a soul with him. Mike Lee slams Senate Judiciary Dems for their anti-Christian bigotry which made Maizie Hirohito scream "banzai! GI Joe ten dollah, make you hollah!," Kamala-Toe Harris continues fucking the dead and decomposing chicken of healthcare and education as a human right, Ilhan "Bro-Fo" Omar wants to regulate transgender weightlifting or something, American Jews take out an ad in the NY Times to thank PDT for his stance on Joo-hate, yes Howard Schultz should run both as a spoiler to Dems and to highlight their Socialist madness, and a couple of good philosophical essays in the mix in the wake of SOTU regarding the aforementioned madness.

First Amendment, Fake News, Censorship: The NY Times naked airbrushing of MS-13 animals and the silencing of a Rancida T-Labia critic in, of all places, the Jewish bastion of Hallandale, FL.

Mueller Inquisition: Now that the Russia Colluzhnikov myth has been exploded, the fishing expedition on Trump's tax returns starts and "tres gaudy" Trey Gowdy tells Matt Whitaker to blow off Congress. I kind of agree with that, despite the messenger.

Foreign Desk: Venezuela crisis continues with the US envoy telling Maduro to get the hell out, Maduro would rather his people starve than lose power (sounds like he read the Green New Deal) and US SoCom identifies the Venezuelan military as the key to the whole shooting match (oy, phrasing). Meanwhile, GOP leaders are pissing into the wind asking Palsi Pelosi to allow Taiwan's prexy to speak, Israel will host Eurovision Song Contest and the Joo-haters go nuts, and a look at the migrant crisis vis a vis Italy and the EU.

Domestic Policy: Lindsay Graham has the judiciary gavel and the usual Marxists are freaking out that more conservatives will be seated, the identity politics con with Neomi Rao and Patrick Bumtay and Doug Jones says he's cool with William Barr. Does that mean Jones fears the voters or he knows Barr is a Deep Stater? You tell me.

Crime: South Carolina love civil asset forfeiture.

Healthcare: Big Brother and the Holding Company of electronic health records.

Education: Kang must go. No, not the Star Trek Klingon but the UCLA diversity tyrant.

Hither and Yon: Neflix spends $1 million on the life and times of Breakfast Club Evita, Christian Toto on "Deplorable" comics being blackballed, and the SJWs go after enfant terrible chef Gordon Ramsey for wanting to open an "authentic" asian restaurant. The chop suey's totes kosher, so chill!

Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.

NOTE: that opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

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posted by at 07:59 AM

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