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The Morning Report - 2/8/19 »
February 07, 2019
Tonight's ONT Is Full Of Mystery
Yo Dawg, I heard you like guns, so I put a gun on your gun so you can gun while you gun.

This is pretty clever.
This is Insane
This is a LONG read (3 articles, the successive ones are linked at the bottom of each previous one). It's also an example of excellent investigative reporting that's become all too rare. The backstory: 2 years ago, a reporter was contacted by a lady who worked at a circus. She said she had a story to tell about how James Brown and his third wife were both murdered. He goes to see her and she tells a long, rambling and disjointed story, a real Southern Gothic tale, about being raped by Brown, his wife being murdered, crooked accountants, shady lawyers, murder for hire, drugs, sex, organized crime...really, the story has it all. She presents a plastic bin full of stuff to back up her claim. I'm sure reporters get these kind of stories all the time, from crackpots of all shapes and sizes, but as this reporter digs deeper, to his amazement he finds that the stuff she presented as evidence seems to be backing up her claims. So he digs a little more....
Does he come up with smoking gun proof that Brown was murdered? No, he doesn't. But he does seem to verify enough to prove that at the very least, there was some crazy shit going on around James Brown. If it was a Mythbusters episode, they'd deem the story “plausible”. It's worth the time to read, if only for the sheer insanity of it all.
Living on the Fringe
American anarchist 'John Galton' shot dead in Acapulco
So he runs from America because (drugs) he wants to live unencumbered by "The Man", he settles in a Mexican town that if famed for it's (drugs) lawlessness. There he pursues his interests (drugs), free from interference from authorities, until he is shot dead by (drug cartel) unknown assailants. How could such a thing happen?
What do these idiots think “anarchy” means, anyway?
Man Is Suing His Parents For Giving Birth To Him Without Consent
His parents should sign on as co-plaintiffs. And how exactly is one supposed to get “consent” from a being who doesn't exist yet?
Chesterton's Fence
The biggest problem America is suffering from is the fact that the hippie generation is now in charge, and has been for a while. While not unknown in any generation, that particular generation has (in general) a marked belief that anything “old” is “bad” and thus must be changed. Now, some old things are bad and do need to be changed, but just because something is “old”, doesn't mean that it is “bad”. Some old things are the distilled wisdom of uncounted generations of human experience. Like disciplining children, for example. I'd be willing to be that the two fine gentlemen above had very little discipline from their parents, for example (also possible but a little less likely is that they were rebelling against too much discipline). Here's a terrible example of how that attitude transformed a model school into a hellhole:
Investigation: In NYC School Where a Teenager Was Killed, Students & Educators Say Lax Discipline Led to Bullying, Chaos, and Death
See also the shooting in Broward County last year. That asshole was only able to buy his guns legally because the school system made a concentrated effort to NOT report or prosecute him for the stuff he did do prior to the shooting. He SHOULD have had a record that would have prevented the purchase, but since Broward Country decided to “solve” their problems with bad behavior by not reporting them, he wasn't. The result was 17 dead. How on earth could anyone guess that kids who are not given boundaries and discipline would misbehave?
Panera's Socialist Pay-What-You-Want Restaurant Implodes: Students, Homeless Mob The Place
I don't understand. Everyone was only taking according to their needs, right? And surely a big corporation like Panera has the means to provide it. I have no idea why the scheme failed.
Calling the Moron Horde!
Family asks for cards to make WWII veteran's birthday special
Shouldn't be too hard to drop this man a quick line, should it? He's an army combat engineer who served in the Pacific on Guam, The Philippines and Saipan. The address is in the story. Let's do this!
Tonight's ONT brought to you by Dindoo Nuffin:

posted by WeirdDave at
09:55 PM
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