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February 08, 2019
Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh Vote to Uphold Louisiana Abortion Restriction Law, But John "Obamacare's a Tax" Roberts Defects to the Liberals to Enjoin It, Pending Review By the Full Court
Is there anything left of the legacy of George W. Bush or the neocons that we can call anything but a complete failure or a complete surrender to leftism?
Keep saying "But Gorsuch" and "But Kavanaugh," NeverTrumpers. I mean, you guys have really delivered yourselves, haven't you? You have so many W's to your credit you're perfectly entitled to denigrate other people's successes.
A divided Supreme Court stopped Louisiana from enforcing new regulations on abortion clinics in a test of the conservative court’s views on abortion rights.
The justices said by a 5-4 vote late Thursday that they will not allow the state to put into effect a law that requires abortion providers to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.
Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court's four liberals in putting a hold on the law, pending a full review of the case.
President Donald Trump’s two Supreme Court appointees, Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, were among the four conservative members of the court who would have allowed the law to take effect.
There are a lot of "conservative" pundits offering Vintage Punditry. They seem stuck in the same arguments they've been stuck in since 1997, and they seem to treat 2004 like nostalgic oldsters look back on the first summer they had a date.
But what positive legacy do the Bush years leave us with? Just because it was important to some Vintage Pundits as their own Political Woodstock, their own Iraq Summer of Love, does not mean it is objectively worthy.
We got Samuel Alito. And that's about it.
LOL: Speaking of Boomer Nostalgia...
How serendipitous is this?
Likelihood of Prevailing on the Merits:
A commenter wrote that this isn't such a big deal, as this is just a stay of the ruling and Roberts can rule in favor of the Louisiana provision later.
Well, yes but: One of the criteria for enjoining a decision is "likelihood of prevailing on the merits" in the full hearing.
So in Roberts' eyes, he's judging that he's probably going to vote to invalidate the law.

posted by Ace of Spades at
11:53 AM
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